Video: Keeping the spark alive


In episode three of the Essential Baby/Elevit with Iodine ‘Conception Series’, we look at maintaining relationships while you’re trying to fall pregnant. 

Trying to make a baby can be stressful – especially when you’re trying to chart your fertility and ‘get romantic’ at all the optimal times. And if you’ve been attempting to get pregnant for a while, the whole process can take a toll on your relationship.

In this video, several bloggers share how they coped with it all, and give their tips on how to keep a relationship strong even after months – or years – of trying.    

Of course, it’s not only your relationship with your partner that can be tested when you’re hoping for a baby; interactions with well-meaning but ultimately unhelpful friends or family members can be draining, too. The video also features some helpful advice on how to cope with prying questions from others.

Because, as Amity Dry explains – it’s best to treasure the time you have now with the people you love, because once the baby arrives, things will never be the same again!

On a mobile? Watch the video here.

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