Gorgeous photos of newborns in their baby bump casts

 Photo: PhotoJos/www.photojos.co.uk

It nurtures them for nine months, so it makes perfect sense for a mother's baby bump to play a role in her newborn's first photoshoot.

UK photographer Jocelyn Conway has been creating beautiful images of babies cradled in a plaster cast of their mother's pregnant belly.

Photo: PhotoJos

"I love the idea of the baby being back in its bump for a photo," Conway told The Huffington Post. "The babies usually love being back in their casts - they seem to settle straight back in to their 'home' for the last nine months. It's lovely to see!"

Conway took a body casting course five years ago and has been combining her trademarked 'Bump Bowls' with her newborn photography since last February.

Photo: PhotoJos

"I love doing the bump casts. It's such a privilege to be a part of someone's life at such a special time, and be involved in making memories for the family and for the baby when he or she is older."


The Bump Bowls are usually created between 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy.

The images of the babies in the cast are often a composite of several different images. due to the need to ensure the baby is always supported when in the bowl.

Photo: PhotoJos