Dad's funny texts frustrate anxious mum on first day back at work

Remember the first day back work after maternity leave when you spent all day wondering how your baby was coping without you?

A little stressed, anxious, distracted? 

That's exactly how Lyndsay Cooper was feeling when she sent her partner Matt Coyne a message asking how he and little Charlie were getting on - but the messages she received in return did nothing to quell her fears.

Coyne, who writes the Man vs Baby blog, sent the concerned mum a series of "photos" showing him and baby Charlie having all kinds of fun.

"Tough week. Charlie's mum's maternity leave ended. So the person in our house who prevents fires etc. returned to work, whilst I found myself looking after our little boy properly on my own," the UK dad wrote alongside images of the amusing text message exchange

"Its true to say that as Lyns walked out the door that first morning there was quite a few tears, sobbing, and protest-soiling but, in my defence, by lunchtime I had calmed down a bit.

"Anyway, to alleviate Lyns' concerns about leaving Charlie in the care of a f*ckwit, I promised to keep in touch."

They are not really photos an anxious mum expects to see of what her baby got up to while she was at work - but Cooper is no doubt accustomed to her husband's unique sense of humour.