Leonardo's Diary

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Leonardo's Diary
Screeshot from 12-minute 1972 short film Leonardo's Diary by Jan Svankmajer.jpg
Screenshot from Leonardo's Diary, 1972, by Jan Svankmajer
Directed by Jan Švankmajer
Corona Cinemtografica
Studio Jirího Trnky
Release date
Country Czechoslovakia
Language Czech

Leonardo's Diary (Czech: Leonardův deník) is a 1972 stop-motion animated short. It features images of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings interspersed with footage of real life.[1] As of March 2016, the 12-minute film does not currently have a rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but IMDb rates the film at 6.4,[2] while on Filmgator the film holds a 7.0 rating.[3]

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