• Welcome to Tmall.com

    China’s Premier Online Shopping Destination

    Tmall.com is an open business-to-consumer (B2C) platform enabling
    businesses world-wide to reach China’s vast and growing consumer market.
    Tmall.com has established itself as the destination for quality, brand-name
    goods catering to increasingly sophisticated Chinese consumers
    and is the most visited B2C online retail website in China.

  • 100,000,000+

    Daily Average Unique Visitors to
    the Taobao and Tmall Platforms

    Tmall.com boasts more daily unique visitors than that of the
    Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall,Note Dame and NYC’s Grand Central
    Station combined in 2012.

  • 70,000+

    International and Chinese Branded Storefronts

    The 5th Avenue of E-commerce

  • 1,000,000,000,000

    Gross Merchandise Volume of Tmall and Taobao platforms
    for 2012 in RMB

    >50% Percent Online Business to Consumer Market Share in China


Tmall.com is the largest business-to-consumer (B2C) retail platform in Asia enabling businesses to sell directly to millions of consumers throughout China.

A Tmall.com storefront is essential to the China retail strategy of leading global businesses and the most effective avenue for China market penetration.

There are two ways to join Tmall’s platform:

  • Companies with China in-country business operations can apply to Tmall.com.
  • Companies with overseas licenses are eligible for Tmall Global.

As an open platform marketplace, Tmall.com provides the infrastructure to host your storefront and unfiltered access to hundreds of millions of shoppers.

Operating a Tmall.com storefront is much like operating your own B2C website, offering autonomy from design to operations to fulfillment and logistics.

For details, please see the business model sections in Tmall.com and Tmall Global.

Taobao Partners/Service Providers

Brands Operating on Tmall’s Platform