
Anne Summers

Anne Summers is a Fairfax Media columnist.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is far from succeeding her husband.

Clinton's path to the top bucks the trend

If Hillary Clinton wins on November 8 she will have forged a remarkable and unprecedented political trail: the first woman in more than 200 years of American democracy to win the Presidency, and the first former First Lady to become Commander-in-chief.

Campaigning for change: Rosie Batty has been at the forefront of educating the community about family violence.

Bashing of 'domestic violence industry' beyond the pale

I think most of us would agree that mocking someone for their suffering and attendant misery is a cruel and abhorrent thing to do. Un-Australian even, given we like to think we are the kind of country that extends a hand to those who are down on their luck or who have suffered misfortune of any kind.

Donald Trump is doing what he does best – courting the anti-establishment vote by defying the norms of political convention.

Trump's tirades are his best weapon

If you think that with his recent attacks on a crying baby and the Muslim parents of a dead soldier or his apparent willingness to use nuclear weapons, or his use of details from a confidential security briefing, or even his outright refusal to endorse leading Republicans, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Arizona Senator John McCain, in their primary races, Donald Trump finally has gone too far and has blown his chances of becoming the next president of the US – think again.