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Owen Kane

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Introducing Pig Pen - we lived in Pickering for 20 some years and paid some huge annual property tax bills. I may have seen one of these street cleaning machines once or twice. Here at our forever home in Kingsville "Pig Pen" is a regular visitor twice a month, and now that the leaves are falling "Pig Pen" comes around every week. All that and much more for a quarter of what our annual taxes were in Pickering!

So far we are impressed and yes apparently my sidewalks get cleared of snow and ice - no charge. Gotta love small town living!
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Owen Kane

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Simple Magic | The Old House... Full View

Something about this, sure it's old, perhaps a little tired and in need of a little Tender care. But imagine sitting on that porch in it's heyday watching the world go by... magic
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Owen Kane

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Lake Erie Fishing Tugs | Checking In At Wheatley
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Owen Kane

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At The Wheatley Ontario Harbour | Kimmy Sue Fishing Tug
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Owen Kane

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Safe Time | Hillmans Marsh | Early Morning

Early Morning... Hunting blinds empty, swans, mallard ducks, red winged blackbirds and fish sign... ahh it's spring in Leamingto Southwestern Ontario.
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Owen Kane

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The Marsh | After The Storm

The calm after the storm - Hillmans Marsh

+Leo Deegan Think this might qualify for +Landscape Photography or +Photo Mania Canada Not quite sure what to hashtag and plus for.
Kedibone Khido's profile photothomas nguyen's profile photo
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Owen Kane

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Early Morning At The Beach

Sunrise, with sand mites, Shad and Fish Flies. They were thick as well flies, constantly brushing them off the lens, my legs. No bites just bloody annoying.

All those black smudges - themselves the flies!
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Owen Kane

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Interesting Old Architectural Shapes

The Talbot Trail between Windsor and Fort Erie Ontario, is a road we prefer to travel more then the 401. Especially between London and Windsor, where a break from straight line driving is preferred. After all when you see signs placed by the ministry on the 401 that say "Fatigue Kills", that sort of says it all.

So here is a close up of an old building in need of some love and care. The grounds about where carefully groomed including the gardens with early spring flowers.
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Owen Kane

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The Shoe Tree | Leamington Ontario
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Owen Kane

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Standing All Alone | In  Farm Field

Not a hint of green to be seen... still waiting for Spring to bloom.
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