Vocus founder James Spenceley launches funds management venture

James Spenceley, right, and Gary Rollo launch MHOR Asset Management.
James Spenceley, right, and Gary Rollo launch MHOR Asset Management.

Vocus Communications founder James Spenceley has plans to grow a $1 billion business with an ambitious venture into funds management.

Following Vocus' $3.8 billion merger with M2 Group in February, Mr Spenceley stepped back from his role as chief executive, handing the reins to M2 boss Geoff Horth and taking up a part-time role as executive director.

But the former chief executive is by no means ready to slow down.

After cashing in $26.6 million of Vocus stock on Wednesday, Mr Spenceley, who still holds a further one million shares in Vocus, will establish MHOR Asset Management with fund manager Gary Rollo, formerly of Renaissance Asset Management and one of Vocus' earliest institutional investors.

Mr Spenceley, who in 2007 founded Vocus, which has a market capitalisation of about $5 billion, has always had an interest in financial markets and after a running into Mr Rollo in February thought now was the time to make the move.

And he's made no secret that he has high expectations for his new venture, stating he wants to create another billion-dollar company.

"To create or even run a billion-dollar business is a great goal for a huge amount of people. I've been very lucky and have been able to do that in my lifetime. I would love to be able to do that again," Mr Spenceley told The Australian Financial Review.

MHOR, which translates to great in Gaelic, (Mr Rollo is originally from Scotland), will initially focus on small-cap companies or those close to listing on the Australian Securities Exchange. But Mr Spenceley has bigger plans.

"If we're going to do this, it's not just Australian small caps; the goal is we want to be a large manager of money and set our goals pretty high. We have our own offices, our own infrastructure, own compliance. We've obviously taken all the risk to set up the business for more than one fund," Mr Spenceley said.

He hopes to quickly launch new funds and continue to expand MHOR's offering.

"We're setting this up to be a business, potentially one day list it and follow the well-trodden path of what Magellan has achieved. If we can achieve 20 per cent of what they've done we'd be very excited. We certainly don't want to be a boutique manager with one fund," Mr Spenceley said.

He is keen for MHOR to identify firms that he can get involved in and use his experience with Vocus to help them navigate being publicly listed and expanding.

"If we uncover what we think is a really undervalued business, one of the reasons, or sometimes a major reason, is they haven't adequately communicated how good their story is to the market. I'd like to be able to sit down and help them explain it to the market, reduce that inefficiency and get that valuation that I think their business would value," Mr Spenceley said.

Mr Rollo said he had been thinking about a venture like MHOR for a while to try to pool investing expertise and experience in running a successful business.

"I met James as a fresh-faced CEO looking to raise capital to basically fulfil this vision he had at the time," Mr Rollo said.

"James had that little bit extra, and that little bit extra is he had a vision of where the company could be. He had some very good ideas about what he needed to do to make it happen and that involved not just organically growing in a space that was really interesting, but also assembling more of the components that he didn't have, so he went away and bought a whole bunch of things."

Mr Spenceley said that, while he has the obvious experience in technology, he would be looking outside at companies in a range of sectors

"To build a portfolio you have to have lots of different stocks in there. We are pretty excited by the opportunity in technology for those Vocus stories, something that might go up 10 times in the next three years, and I think we have a distinct advantage there. Equally, it's important that we put a balanced portfolio together."

MHOR soft launched in August, has had about $10 million flow into the fund and has delivered a positive return of 3.1 per cent against the benchmark index.

The fund is available to retail investors, including individuals, companies, advisors and self-managed super funds, with a minimum $20,000 initial investment.

Mr Rollo said he was not surprised that Mr Spenceley had lofty ambitions to create another billion-dollar business.

"Most people, when they go into business, have that as an aspiration, but they probably don't voice it. But, with James, I guess he's thinking, 'Well, why won't I? That's what I'm going for.' He's got some credibility to bring to the table."