
Sean Nicholls

Sean Nicholls is the State Political Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

A policy to apply lower poker machine tax rates to clubs than pubs has cost taxpayers $13.5 billion over 20 years.

Gambling report under wraps as pokie cash flows

With the NSW Planning Assessment Commission's decision on consent for James Packer's proposed new hotel, casino and apartment tower at Barangaroo imminent, much of the focus has rightly been on the scale of the development.

Sean Nicholls dinkus

Baird is losing the amalgamations argument

The scene that unfolded at the inaugural meeting of the newly created and installed Inner West Council on Tuesday night shocked observers and outraged the state government – and with justification.

The controversy over fuel retailers having to sell an ethanol blend could spell trouble for NSW Premier Mike Baird.

Trouble looms at bowser for Baird

The next time you pull into a petrol station in NSW and select the fuel of your choice, consider that you are probably at the scene of what is emerging as a major political headache for the Baird government.