Doing HSC in Juvenile Justice: pen audits and no phones, but 'fewer distractions'

Leo*, 18, was distracted in school, scrolling through Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat on his phone in class, abusing drugs and alcohol afterwards.

That was before he committed a serious offence and began classes in the Frank Baxter Juvenile Justice Centre on the Central Coast, where there are no such diversions. Phones are banned and internet access is a rare, supervised privilege.

Pens are audited after each lesson to ensure they are not stolen to be made into shivs and self-harm instruments. 

"I was playing catch-up the whole time," said Leo, who began his work towards his HSC 10 weeks late. 

But at the same time, he found a new focus in the centre's Girrakool School where classes are limited to four or five students and "you get more attention".

Leo received a university admissions score of 80.25, which he hopes will take him towards some of the destinations in the Lonely Planet book he received as a graduation present.


"I was pretty stoked, hey," he said with a shy smile. 

While he took out the outstanding achievement prize as one of two students who achieved their HSC, many more boys received TAFE certificates and class awards at the school's presentation day on Friday, walking up to the front of the gym in work boots and block-colour clothes to shake their teachers' hands.

Before the long roll-call of names, a school band performed, a huge young man with a Rabbitohs cap and a fuzzy beard sang love songs for the staff, parents and boys. 

NSW Corrections Minister David Elliott urged the detainees to find mentors and make the most of opportunities both in and out of Juvenile Justice. 

'What a civilised society does for you blokes is give you an opportunity to hit the reset button," Mr Elliott said.

"You're probably going to get a better education than your parents ever did."

Several of the boys were not there to receive their awards, having been released from custody, one boy just the day before. 

Hayden*, 20, had served 2½ years at Baxter for a violent assault, with another four to go. While he served his sentence, he was completing a double degree of social sciences and business, working on the internet under constant supervision.

"I would love to be able to work with kids one day and be able to repay what so many people have done here for me," Hayden said. 

After the ceremony, principal Kevin Armstrong picked up a guitar that a group of students made for him in a workshop and reflected on the 12 years he will have spent at the school before retiring in June.

When he started, there was far less safety assessment of the students, whose classes are now labelled low, medium or high risk.

But HSC completion rates have improved and the curriculum has become broader, he said. 

He and his staff have helped students, some of whom face severe learning difficulties and years of missed schooling, "learn to learn again".

Leo was looking forward to a holiday from study as he waited to find out whether he had made it into an exercise sciences course at Charles Sturt University.

Due to be sentenced in February, he hoped the time already spent in custody would ensure he was soon attending uni in person.

"I've got more self-worth now," he said. "I know I'm capable of doing more than crime to achieve money."

* Names have been changed.