
GOOG: 801.49

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When Google announced the Pixel, Pixel XL, and the Google Home last year, it became very clear that the company was finally ready to take hardware seriously. To prove this, millions have been spent advertising their new products around the world. Now, Google is airing a commercial for the Google Home during Sunday’s Super Bowl…

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Last month a report surfaced suggesting that Alphabet was looking to sell off its satellite division, Terra Bella. Google purchased the company — formerly known as Skybox Imaging — back in 2014 for roughly $500 million. Now, in a statement on their website, Planet Labs has announced that it will be purchasing Terra Bella from Google…

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Following its launch, Google’s Pixel smartphones have proved pretty popular. Due to that, Google has had a lot of trouble keeping up with demand for the phone, with many customers complaining about that issue. Now, some are alarmingly reporting that Google has ceased production of the phone. Unsurprisingly, Google has confirmed that those rumors are false.

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