WA News

"They're wrong and I’m not afraid to say so": Peel Zoo owner's Facebook rant

The owner of Peel Zoo has continued his defence of the small business in a lengthy Facebook rant, after his comments to a disgruntled customer went viral.

When Perth woman Dana Harrison private–messaged the zoo on Facebook and said her two children and their au pair were disappointed with their visit, she was shocked to receive the sharp response from owner David Cobbold.

"I whole-heartedly dismiss your conclusions and the ludicrous feedback from your mathematically challenged triumvirate ... so preposterously unfounded they cross in to the realm of fantasy," he said.

Ms Harrison said her German au pair had said a number of the animals were not available for viewing, and the excursion had only taken an hour to complete.

After Mr Cobbold's reply went public, the Peel Zoo owner has again gone on to defend his comments on social media.



In the nearly 3000 word post, Mr Cobbold said he didn't believe in the age-old adage 'the customer is always right'.

"Thank you for the overwhelming support you have given to Peel Zoo over the last 24 hours. And, indeed, over the last 11 years," he said, addressing customers.

"I am extremely pleased that my rebuttal of an unfounded criticism has resonated with so many of you. I feel all of you working in tourism, hospitality, retail, and the like appreciate what it is like to constantly face a barrage of vilification, even though you know in your heart of hearts you are a good person doing your best.

"It is for you that I continue my quest to stand up against bullies, trolls, and tanty-pants princesses, who feel entitled to put you down because "the customer is always right." They are wrong and I'm not afraid to say so."

The post continued to pick apart Ms Harrison's complaint, highlighted a number of the zoo's attractions and featured a bizarre mention of the Kardashians.

Reactions to the post were mixed.

"If you want to have a business, take it on the chin like a grown up, you're acting like a teenager having a tantrum!" one said.

"She gave you their feedback. To vilify and belittle her for speaking on behalf of her children and au pair is wrong. Take it on board. Do something about it rather than turn into a keyboard warrior as well," another said.

But others were more appreciative of Mr Cobbold's stance.

"She got owned! Makes me want to visit. See you soon Peel Zoo!"

"Well done Peel Zoo for standing up for yourselves! We have always enjoyed our visits to your Zoo, and have always taken the time to enjoy the full experience that you offer."