Sabotage of critical infrastructure a growing risk, says former chief spy

David Irvine has warned business to be aware of the potential theft by organised crime groups of corporate intellectual ...
David Irvine has warned business to be aware of the potential theft by organised crime groups of corporate intellectual property and personal information. Louise Kennerley

Australia's former top spy says the disruption of the US election by Russian hackers should be a warning to business to be aware of the potential theft by organised crime groups of corporate intellectual property and personal information. 

"That notion of sabotage by states or disaffected groups around the [world] is something we now have got to take into account in our business models," David Irvine, the former director-general of both the Australian Secret Intelligence Service and Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, told a conference hosted by Goldman Sachs.

He said a bigger threat than foreign states targeting political party emails was "covert sabotage, by chucking a cyber spanner, as it were, into the now cyber-dependent critical infrastructure that we have". This could include the financial system or energy utilities. 

With the cost of cyber crime set to triple to about $2.2 trillion globally by 2019, Mr Irvine said: "This is the sort of thing we have really got to start worrying about."

After it was revealed last week that a denial of service attack by an international criminal gang took down Lloyds Banking Group's digital services intermittently for more than two days in early January, Mr Irvine said for business in Australia "cyber security is one of the factors that has to feature very, very highly on their risk registers". 


Mr Irvine, who is also a former diplomat and now chairman of the Australian Cyber Security Research Institute, said defending Australia's digital assets from foreign states and companies would require business and government to work together.

Collaboration is the central tenet of a report released this week by Data61, Stone & Chalk, KPMG and the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce, titled Startup Secrets. The group plans to establish a "cyber security innovation lab", where start-ups and researchers will work with companies and government agencies to create and commercialise new cyber security technologies. 

Alastair MacGibbon, special adviser to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on cyber security, said in the introduction to the report that "without world-class cyber security, trust in our ability to perform reliable financial transactions will erode, as will our confidence to develop new products and services for business and consumers".

Banks spend millions of dollars a year defending their vast computer networks and most attacks are repelled. Nevertheless, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority said in its 2016 Cyber Security Survey that "cyber attacks will become both more frequent and more sophisticated over time". 

APRA said 20 regulated banks and one service provider had experienced at least one cyber security incident in the past year sufficiently material to require executive management involvement. Banks in Australia "should expect to experience significant cyber security incidents and be prepared for an evolving range of threats," it said. 

APRA has called on banks to adopt an "assumed breach" mentality, to maintain a "rolling strategy" to address evolving cyber security risk, and to share threat and response information with government, the industry and their customers, in order to improve prevention, detection and response capabilities.