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Did Jesus Use the Septuagint?

Picture of Book Cover

Author: David W Daniels
ISBN: 9780758911698
Price: $7.95 US
Pages: 112 - paperback

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They're saying Jesus used the Septuagint.
But what they really want is to add something to your Bible.

By David W. Daniels

I’ve been getting letters and email from people about their pastor, who starts to quote from Ecclesiasticus —it sounds like Ecclesiastes, but it’s not. Or who reads from the Wisdom of Solomon —not to be confused with the Proverbs of Solomon. Or who talks about the “moral lessons” to be learned from “Deuterocanonical” books like Tobit or Judith.

Other teachers or preachers talk about how their denomination started with people reading a Bible “complete with the Apocrypha” —as if without it, the Bible is incomplete. Or they say, “The original King James Bible had the Apocrypha. So, we should have it, too!”

Why is this happening now, 400 years after the King James was first printed? Did early Christians trust the Apocrypha way back then? And what is the “Apocrypha,” or “Deuterocanonical books,” anyway?

The Apocrypha is a collection of fables, not books of faith. Not a bit of it is inspired, or even claims to be. Our Old Testament is the Hebrews’ scripture. They didn’t include Apocrypha in their Hebrew scripture. So if they didn’t trust it as scripture, why should we?

Other critics say, “Jesus and the Apostles used the Septuagint, and the Septuagint had the Apocrypha. So we must use the Apocrypha.”

That sounds convincing but this claim is bogus. A search of all sources, using modern technology, finds no evidence of the Septuagint being the Bible of the Apostles. It first appeared in the years after Christ died. It has only survived to this day because the fables of the Apocrypha support some of the unbiblical dogmas of Roman Catholicism.

For example, it contains writings in favor of: praying for the dead, purgatory, committing suicide, an angel of God lying, sorcery and magic. How could Jesus use and quote the Septuagint if it contradicts other scripture?

Included in that plot was an attempt to insert these fictional tales into the King James Bible. King James put Richard Bancroft in charge of the translators. He was Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England. He almost corrupted the KJV by forcing the translators to include the Apocrypha. He succeeded in getting the Apocrypha between the covers, but the translators refused to include it in either Testament. They stuck it in a separate section, labeled each page “Apocrypha” and gave 7 objections to including it.

When printers began producing the KJV, the people demanded copies without the Apocrypha. But the plotters did not stop. All Roman Catholic Bibles since then have included it. Today you are hearing more about it because of the crusade to make a common Bible that all “denominations” can use.

And beyond that is the emerging world religion that is calling for a gutted Bible that will mesh with the other religious literature of the world, a one-world Bible for the one-world religion. Essential to the one-world Bible is the Greek Septuagint containing the Apocrypha, so that Rome’s pagan doctrines such as wafer worship, Virgin Mary goddess, and salvation by works are supported.

I exposed this deception in six videos, then used the evidence and documentation to make this book, Did Jesus Use the Septuagint? It examines all the “best evidence” for the existence of a BC Septuagint and takes it apart, piece by piece. Then it explores the newest evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Finally, it adds up the facts and suggests who may have written the Septuagint, when, and why.

This book is a comprehensive answer to anyone who tries to insert the Apocrypha in your Bible.

Did Jesus read the Septuagint?

That's what they may have taught your pastor in college. Do you know why?

Simple: the Septuagint contains the Aprocrypha, and there are people who want your pastor (and you) to have the Apocrypha in your Bible, too. Why? So you will accept Catholic superstitions like:

  • Purgatory and prayers for the dead
  • Payment to forgive sins
  • Angels as mediators

In this new book, David Daniels takes each of the “proofs” promoting a BC Septuagint and shows why they can’t be trusted. He shows that Jesus read the same Hebrew Scriptures read by every other devout Jew.

Don’t be fooled by the push for “One World Bible for One World Religion.”

   Chapter 1 - Path To A One-World Bible

   Chapter 2 - ‘But I Trust the Scholars’

   Chapter 3 - How Did That Get There?

   Chapter 4 - Origen-al Sin

   Chapter 5 - Was There a BC Septuagint?

   Chapter 6 - Examining the Witnesses of a BC Septuagint

   Chapter 7 - The ‘Christian’ Witnesses

   Chapter 8 - The Letter of Aristeas

   Chapter 9 - The Dead Sea Scrolls

   Chapter 10 - The Most Likely Suspect



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