Westpac cleared by independent review on insurance claim rejections

BT Financial chief executive Brad Cooper says there is no standard industry definition of what counts as a claim.
BT Financial chief executive Brad Cooper says there is no standard industry definition of what counts as a claim. Louie Douvis
by Alice Uribe

An independent review has found none of BT Financial Group's 141 rejected total and permanent disability (TPD) claims over the past three years were incorrectly denied, but Westpac's wealth management arm has renewed calls for more standardised reporting in the insurance industry.

This comes after last year's report on the life insurance sector by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, which said one insurer had rejected 37 per cent of TPD claims, but did not name the insurer because the data was "not entirely reliable".

A newspaper report named Westpac as the insurer.

The review, conducted by an independent legal firm with further oversight by EY, said its findings were consistent with its previous review of BT's claims management practices including TPD claims in August 2016.

"The decisions were evidence based, transparent and there were no material or systemic issues identified," the review said.

"BT adopted reasonable positions having regard to all of the available evidence open to it and the declines were appropriate."

However, the review did find BT could have exercised "more discretion" due to the medical complexity and case background of one claim.

As a result BT said it re-examined the case and paid the claim in full with interest. The wealth manager has also made some changes to its TPD claims process.

"This now includes all denials having a third layer of internal review before a customer is notified of the outcome," BT said in a statement.

At the same time, Westpac's wealth management arm has renewed its calls for the life insurance industry to improve the consistency of data to allow for valid comparisons of products.

"We have been open about our claims data, this review and the outcome," BT general manager insurance Sue Houghton said. "We strongly believe the same level of transparency is needed across the industry so consumers are not misled by confusing and misleading headlines.

"All insurers need to report claims outcomes using common definitions and data to help restore consumer confidence in an essential financial product for many Australians."

Last year BT CEO Brad Cooper said because there was no standard industry definition of what counted as a claim, BT had assumed the broadest possible definition when reporting to ASIC.

BT said its average decline rate was "much closer" to the industry average for TPD claims, which ASIC published as 16 per cent.

"We are committed to ensuring our claims practices are fair and we are pleased that two independent organisations have confirmed the right claims decisions were made," Ms Houghton said.The 141 reviewed claims were provided to ASIC as part of the ASIC Life Claims Review. In this review ASIC found nine out of 10 life insurance claims were accepted and paid out without dispute.

"Our review did not find evidence of cross-industry misconduct across the life insurance sector in relation to life insurance claims payments and procedures," ASIC said in its report.

Despite this, the regulator said at the time it was "concerned that in some cases, claims are being declined on technical or contractual grounds that are not in accordance with the 'spirit' or 'intent' of the policy".