Your week in the stars...

Your week in the stars...


January 21 – February 19

The new moon in Aquarius empowers you to make real change in your life. If your New Year resolutions have failed, take heart and try again. With strong motivation and high levels of will power, this time you should succeed.

Your week in the stars...

Your week in the stars...



February 20 – March 20

Take the time to focus on your spiritual self. This means hibernating from the daily grind and fi nding time to heal and meditate. Starting a dream journal is a good idea at the moment.


March 21 – April 20

Make an effort to mix with new people. You'll be surprised at how quickly you gel with someone you wouldn't have thought is your type. Whether it's a new friend or new lover, your comfort zone is growing.


April 21 – May 20

Under pressure at work, you'll put in a commanding performance. Don't be surprised if a promotion is on the way. It could be a stressful few days, but you can step up and make it work.


May 21 – June 21

Where has all the adventure gone? Only just into 2017 and you already feel stuck in a rut. Whichever area of your life you want to improve, the new moon inspires you to try something different.


June 22 – July 23

Your New Year resolutions may be long gone, but this is a good week for self-improvement. Motivation and determination are high, so make some overdue positive changes now.


July 24 – August 23

A relationship goes from strength to strength, and if you're single, a new romance is likely. Be sure to listen as much as you talk. It's not about you as an individual; it's about you as a partner.


August 24 – September 23

Are you burning yourself out? Th ere's a huge amount of work to be done, so make sure you are eating and sleeping properly. Meditation or yoga helps, but you should also build in some time for hobbies and relaxation.


September 24 – October 22

Start a new hobby, or even consider opening a new business. Th e creative spirit is extremely strong in you and this is the ideal time for entrepreneurial endeavours. Many of your talents are under-used. What could you do to bring in some badly needed extra cash?


October 23 – November 22

The new moon brings a peaceful energy to the family home. It's a great time for moving, decorating or renovating. Grumpy teens and difficult seniors are more chilled out now, so call a truce.


November 23 – December 22

Sign up for training at work, take a new evening class or aim for a higher qualification. You are absorbing knowledge like a sponge, so any kind of education will be much more fun than you think.


December 23 – January 20

Now the New Year is well established, it's time to get your finances in order. Sort out your budget and fi nd ways to save or to cut down on outgoings where possible. Way too much money is being wasted on nothing