
In the Herald: February 3, 1899

The Falls of Garry

The 2000-ton Falls of Garry, wrecked in a storm off Noumea but eventually salvaged, arrived in Sydney: "After passing the doctor at daylight the four-masted barque came up the harbour. She had rigged at the jib-boom a monster rooster, indicative of being cock of the salving records of this colony. Further along the jib-boom was a blue pennant lettered 'Advance Australia', and over on the stay the Union Jack."

Through fat and thin

"A boon to stout people. Why suffer the burden of corpulency when you can safely, speedily and permanently reduce yourself to normal weight and dimensions without change of diet? Beware of worthless counterfeits, but call or write to the Parisian Drug Co, 14 Bond Street, Sydney…Mighty Alok – Freshly prepared from the famous African kola nuts – The greatest appetiser and pick-me-up in the world. Fisher & Co."

Destroy my hair, please

"Kerlos keeps the fringe in curl in hottest weather, no tongs required. From Hanley and Duddridge, 23 Strand Arcade. Perfectly harmless… Hair destroyed – We absolutely guarantee to permanently destroy superfluous hair without pain or injury to the most tender skin. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Call, write Parisian Drug Co. …Walnut Extract for Grey Hair – stains grey hair quickly, perfectly harmless."