

Developers shouldn't take public green space for granted

It is time for Sydney to think differently about urban green space. 

Our population is forecast to grow 50 per cent over the next 25 years, and the increasing inner-city density requires that we not only protect what we have, but also plan for more.  

Developers have cottoned on to the benefits of green space that we've long taken for granted. They have a positive effect on our health, clean up the air, help stabilise the temperature and immeasurably add to our wellbeing. 

Green space makes the adjacent real estate more attractive, desirable and often more expensive. Why do we allow developers to leverage the benefit from our existing parks and gardens for financial gain without making a contribution towards their improvement and maintenance?  Do we really believe it is acceptable to allow developers and councils to throw in a few pocket parks and use existing green space as the offset for increasing urban density? 

The Greater Sydney Commission's proposed Green Grid is a connected network of high quality green space. It's a welcome initiative with a range of priority projects. It could be improved by embracing some priority projects to support the existing green space, in addition to creating new spaces and corridors. 

Green infrastructure is the network of green spaces that is planned, designed and managed to deliver a range of benefits including healthier living, cooling the urban environment, sequestering carbon and improving air and water quality. Research from all over the world is consistent in linking green infrastructure and community benefits – from mental distress mitigation to general wellbeing through the restorative powers of contact with nature.


The potential benefits that green infrastructure can provide have been largely under-appreciated and unrealised. As Committee for Sydney chief executive Tim Williams says: "Green infrastructure is urban infrastructure hidden in plain sight – it's a 'nice to have' accessory or planning compliance, rather than seen as an integral part of the urban environment upon which the viability of the city depends".

As cities face more extreme temperatures because of climate change, green infrastructure will play an even more vital role. It's time we begin to identify the real economic value of our green space and make a compelling business case for further investment.

The Botanic Gardens Trust intends to put a monetary value on our green infrastructure. If similar work in Chicago, New York, Adelaide and other big cities is any indication, it will generate some surprising results. When framed as parks and green spaces that are simply public goods, the value of the asset to the landowner and to local communities is not properly understood and appreciated. This results in sporadic and ad hoc investment decisions. 

William's argument about investment must also extend to divestment, or the use of existing green space for alternative purposes. Over the years, Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain have been whittled down from 40 per cent of the CBD to 30 per cent today.  We cannot allow further encroachments that result in net loss of green space.

Investment in preserving green infrastructure may have a bigger return than many competing priorities.

Ken Boundy is chairman of the Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust.