Small Business

What's the difference between burnout and stress?

If you're limping towards the end of the year it pays to know when everyday pressures turn into something more sinister.

A depression and adrenal failure diagnosis as a result of burnout was the wake-up call Rachel Service needed to change her life.

Service, who now holds workshops across Australia and New Zealand about how to be happy, spent the early part of her career working 12-hour days and sleeping at her desk to make deadlines and get noticed.

"Eventually I passed out from fatigue and couldn't get out of bed. That lasted for six months and I had to take sick leave. I was diagnosed with burnout.

"I couldn't get out of bed for months. I had to re-learn how to articulate what I could achieve at work, manage my energy levels and find ways to say no," she explains.

Setting boundaries at work, not trying to do everything and therapy aided Service's recovery. "I made small changes like asking for help and telling friends and family what I was going through."

Most people experience stress. But there is a difference between regular stress and burnout, which is mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. It can lead to excessive stress and toxic thought patterns that produce fear, paralysis and the inability to perform, or be interested in, normal tasks.


Samantha Clarke, a clinical psychologist with an interest in stress management, explains burnout starts as a normal stress response.

"The limbic system prepares us for fight/flight when we are met with a difficulty. Often we don't need this primitive response as we're not actually in flight or fleeing from a physical threat. But the limbic system doesn't discriminate. So it creates physiological arousal such as heart racing, shorter breath and muscle tension," says Clarke.

"This natural response typically returns to normal when the stressful experience passes. But sometimes we continue to be focused on worries or get caught up in new stresses, leaving the body without enough time to return to a state of natural calm," she adds. 

This can lead to burnout, a constant state of stress for a prolonged time, placing unnecessary pressure on the limbic and adrenal system.

"Burnout can lead to severe depression and anxiety. Periods of excessive and prolonged stress can also manifest physically and cause health to deteriorate. Along with headaches, memory impairment, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, burnout can cause sleep disturbance and suppress immunity," she says. 

Action counts

Proper management of health including mental health in the workplace is a serious issue. Figures released in 2015 by Safe Work Australia show workplace accidents and illness cost the economy $61.8 billion, or 4.1 per cent of GDP, in 2012-13, the most recent year these figures were updated.

So it's important to act if you, or your team, is at risk of burnout. For a start, says Service, be realistic about what you can achieve in a day and communicate that to your manager and colleagues. "Be clear about your job and don't do tasks that fall outside your job description."

Employers must also recognise burnout as a result of overworking is not necessarily because someone is inefficient. It can happen if staff are too scared to ask for help. So check in regularly with your team to monitor their stress levels. It's also important to give clear, constructive feedback and ways to improve so staff know what's expected of them.

Clarke's says learning ways to better manage the autonomic nervous system's responses can also help reduce the risk of burnout. Mindfulness and meditation, letting go of worries and being active can also help.

"Spend time with people you enjoy and who model good self-care. Don't spend all your time focused on your problems. Be present and connect on other levels," she says.

Samantha Clarke's tips for small businesses to avoid workplace burnout

1.       Help staff to actively manage their stress and burnout.

2.       Encourage lunch breaks away from the desk, eating nutritious meals. 

3.       Support staff to do exercise while at work

4.       Let staff have time off to manage personal errands to achieve better work/life balance.

5.       Manage expectations. When staff are stressed or have a deadline, they can place pressure on other employees to stay late and work overtime. Create timelines around work demands to reduce bottleneck. Ensure staff who have done overtime get time off in lieu to spend with family and friends.

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