Small Business

Mandarin? No thanks, we're Chinese

With a Mandarin-speaking chief science officer, the team at Health Science Innovation thought that asking him to appear in a video selling its vitamins to the Chinese market in their own language was a great idea. But when they put their theory through a market research process, their Chinese partners laughed at them.

"Our Chinese partners said if you have a chief science officer or somebody from your Australian team speaking in Chinese, consumers will think he's a paid actor and not a scientist," says one of the business' five co-founders, Alex Lewit.

Blair Norfolk (left) and Alex Lewit are keen to expand their operation into the lucrative Chinese market.
Blair Norfolk (left) and Alex Lewit are keen to expand their operation into the lucrative Chinese market. 

It's a similar story when it comes to product packaging for two 'superfood' multivitamin products the business makes - one for men and one for women. The advice was to produce packaging in English, not Chinese. This is because Chinese consumers want to buy exactly the same clean, green products Australian consumers can buy. If marketing is in Mandarin, it looks like a Chinese, not an Australian product.

Health Science Innovation started selling its products into the Australian market last year, but the real prize is China. It has just become an approved vendor with Australia Post's Chinese store on website Tmall, which sells Australian brands such as a2 milk and Bellamy's baby formula to Chinese consumers, as well as other local vitamin brands such as Swisse. 

Industry reports estimate the market for Chinese vitamins and supplements to be the equivalent of $199 billion. In Australia the market is just $1 billion. So it's easy to see which is the more attractive market, as other local vitamin manufacturers clearly understand.

Vitamin manufacturer Blackmore's share price has skyrocketed in the past 12 months, reaching $217 a share at one point. It's now trading at about $125 a share, but for most of its life its shares languished much lower than that, rarely trading above $35. Blackmore's share price has benefited as a result of 50 per cent of its sales now going to China and a recent doubling of profits.


No doubt the Health Science Innovation team have had their heads turned by this story, as well as reports of Chinese taking suitcases of vitamins home, and want similar success.

The business was able to test its products for the Chinese market through an association with Cadbury's parent, Mondelez. Product testing with consumers who had recently migrated from China to Australia confirmed demand for the vitamins.

Now, all it needs is a sales order to start selling into the Chinese market, having received regulatory approval to sell online to Chinese consumers. It has also submitted an application to trademark the Activated Nutrients brand in China, the brand under which its products are currently sold. There are plans in the works to open bricks and mortar stores in China but Lewit says this will be a 12-month process.

"It is a huge market, and obviously you don't just jump on an online store and be a success. We're targeting Chinese consumers within Australia … going to universities, doing promotions," says co-founder and chief executive, Blair Norfolk. He says the business is also relying on Australia Post to market the brand through Tmall. 

The business also hopes an agreement with Luke Istomen, a personal trainer who has worked with Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman and Leonardo DiCaprio, to recommend the product, as well as share diet and nutrition advice from him through WeChat, China's main messaging service, will raise the brand's profile in China. 

Meantime, the business – which was founded in 2013 but only started selling last year – remains focused on building its Australian operations. It is selling through 80 pharmacies including major Queensland pharmacy chain, Malouf Pharmacies, and has plans to be distributed through 800 pharmacies by the end of the year. Its target is to have 20,000 customers buying 10 products per year in Australia.

Funding so far has been from the five co-founders, who all put in about $20,000 at the start. It also sold 12 per cent of the company and raised $300,000 from investors in May 2015, and is looking at another round of capital raising, or taking on debt, so that it can employ a national sales force. This is one of the conditions it needs to meet to be distributed nationally by the large pharmacy chains.

"We've got the brand strategy, product strategy … and online collateral, so we've set the foundations. The prize is quite big, if we were able to secure 858 pharmacies selling 25 units per month, we're talking about a business that's got $8.5 million in wholesale revenue per year. It's an industry with really good profit margins, therefore we think it's an attractive proposition," says Norfolk.

An avid interest in health and nutrition among the founders was the catalyst for the business. Lewit competed at a national level in track and field, triathlon and competitive football growing up.

"In my earlier years, I used supplementation as a way to assist in performance and in recovery," he says. "But when I started my career in professional and financial services, I shifted my thinking from performance to overall long-term health."

While working at PricewaterhouseCoopers he spent time researching the industry, only to uncover alarming statistics on the complementary medicine field. According to research done in 2013 by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, only 25 per cent of the 79 low-risk complementary medicines it looked at met federal rules.

As a point of difference in the market, Lewit and his colleagues wanted to develop a range of food-based rather than synthetic supplements. The chief science officer was responsible for formulating the products, which comply with food standards codes. 

While the potential for this business is enormous, the major hurdle is securing the funding so it can invest in a national sales force. It's the common chicken-and-egg problem faced by so many enterprises. To achieve real success, it needs to secure a national distributor. But finding the money for this will be challenging.

Let's hope the team can secure this and enjoy a long and profitable future in Australia, China and elsewhere.