Small Business

How to get on social media: five tips for SMEs just getting started

Half of small businesses are still not using social media.

As this year's Sensis Social Media Report has revealed, we've seen the number of small and medium businesses (SMBs) on social media rise substantially, up from 31 per cent to 48 per cent.

A big gap remains, however, between the numbers of SMBs and consumers with a social media presence – almost seven in 10 Australian's are now using social media. Those businesses not already on social media are missing out on reaching a considerable portion of their audience and as a result potential sales.

Facebook is a safe place to start.
Facebook is a safe place to start. Photo: Bloomberg

The good news is that launching your business onto social media should not be daunting. It's a simple process. Here are five tips to get you started:

1. Create a social media strategy

The Sensis report found only 31 per cent of small businesses and 36 per cent of medium businesses have a strategic plan for their social media investment. This means that almost two-thirds of businesses are effectively flying blind. Before you invest your time into social media you need to work out your strategy.

This can be simple but it should answer key questions, such as who your target audience is, how you want to engage with them, and how your social media approach will integrate with your existing marketing strategy.


2. Target the platforms your customers are using

The last thing you want to be doing is managing 15 social media accounts on platforms that you and your customers have never heard of. Work out where your customers are and invest your time and energy into those platforms. Facebook is a pretty safe place to start, with 95 per cent of social media users on the platform.

The Sensis data highlighted there are big differences in how different demographics engage with social media. Men are more likely to use LinkedIn, Twitter and Snapchat, while women are more likely to use Pinterest. And while 18-29 year-olds might be the most prolific users, there are significant differences on each platform, with 40-49 year-olds the most likely to use LinkedIn and Google+ for example. 

3. Find tools and seek help to make your life easier 

People are now checking social media on average five times a day, and the most popular times are first thing in the morning and in the evening. That means posting content during your standard 9-5 working day won't hit your audience when they are the most engaged.

There are plenty of cheap or free tools online – Hootsuite and Buffer are two that can help your business manage and schedule its content. There are also tools to help you track what is being said about your business online. If you are not sure where to start speak to a digital marketing specialist who can guide you in the right direction.

4. Be prepared to have a conversation

Fifty-two per cent of consumers told us they are more likely to trust a brand if it engages in a positive way with its customers on social media. This shows there is a huge opportunity for your business to build a relationship with new customers, or an even stronger relationship with existing customers on social media.

Of course, you need to be prepared for some tough issues to be raised on social media. Rather than hiding from these, face into them. This is your opportunity to address concerns and provide relevant and engaging content for your customers.

5. Measure your results

Ultimately, your investment on social media should be driving sales or helping to retain existing customers. At the moment less than 30 per cent of SMBs measure their return on investment on social media. While the average annual budget dedicated to social media is still relatively small – $4000 for small businesses and just over $10,000 for medium businesses – you need to know what is working and determine where your strategy needs to be changed.

Of those not already on social media, a significant number intend to add a presence this year. The longer you wait before jumping onto social media the harder the job will be. Now is the time for your business to jump onto social media and join in the conversations that are already happening without you.

Alice Mentiplay, General Manager Digital, Sensis