Small Business

Sports sponsorship: Why it's a big deal

Companies don't just invest in sports to make themselves look good. It makes employees feel good.

It's estimated companies are spending a total of $1 billion sponsoring the Rio Olympics. That such obscene amounts are dedicated to this festival of extreme fitness is testament to the extreme return generated from the investment – and not just in dollar terms. 

Name recognition, brand reputation and greater sales are some of the obvious benefits. And now thanks to research published last month by King's College London, another major outcome can be added to the mix: highly motivated employees willing to work harder.

The researcher analysed almost 300 employees for a year before the 2012 London Olympics and found sponsorship "can have profound effects" on an organisation's workforce.

Sponsoring the Olympics is big business. Simone Biles is now considered the greatest female gymnast in the world.
Sponsoring the Olympics is big business. Simone Biles is now considered the greatest female gymnast in the world. Photo: Dmitri Lovetsky

Here's how. Those who worked for a company that sponsored the Olympics ended up feeling proud to be employed by the organisation, thereby boosting their self-esteem and culminating in a greater willingness to do more than they otherwise would. 

That enriched level of pride can be attributed to three factors. First, sports sponsorship is connected very strongly with health and wellbeing, which means the organisation becomes the beneficiary of positive sentiments simply by association. Second, working for a company with a logo featured prominently at a high-profile event makes employees feel as though they're employed by a place of prestige. Their own personal status is consequently elevated.

Sports sponsorship is connected strongly with health and wellbeing.
Sports sponsorship is connected strongly with health and wellbeing. Photo: James Alcock

Third, and perhaps most significantly, employees react in kind when they judge their employer as acting in alignment with higher-order values.

This isn't just about the Olympics. The employee-related benefits of being a sponsor of sporting events extends to the local footy club or the kids' gym round the corner, both of which are opportunities likely to be affordable for businesses large and small.


The organisational benefits also include the strengthened ability to attract new recruits. That's because talented candidates are inclined to view an organisation favourably when they regard its sports sponsorship as an inherently moral act, which many are prone to do.

It doesn't even have to be a sport they like.

AFL sponsorship is particularly valued in Victorian-based companies, like Mars.
AFL sponsorship is particularly valued in Victorian-based companies, like Mars. 

In research published earlier this year by scholars at the University of Minnesota and the University of Memphis, employees were asked for their views on their employer's sponsorship arrangements. Two different types of sponsorship were examined. 

One was based on personal interest, which reflects sponsorship associated with sports that employees already follow. The other was based on a good cause, which reflects sports that employees may have no interest in whatsoever but that nonetheless are seen as worthy and vital because they raise funds for a charitable purpose.

The participants were then asked how favourably they thought of their organisation. Those who merely had a personal interest in the sponsored sport didn't feel more fondly towards their employer for sponsoring it. In contrast, those who saw their employer as sponsoring a sport associated with a good cause were significantly more inclined to view their organisation in a positive light.

So if you're thinking of going down this route, the author of the first study suggests sponsorship is not enough. To derive the benefits noted above, you also need a communications strategy that explains to employees why your preferred sponsorship is essential and the community-related benefits that ensue. The authors of the second study, meanwhile, recommend identifying the causes of most importance to staff, inviting athletes to deliver guest speeches, distributing promotional material, and providing employees with complimentary passes to games and events.

All of which indicates sponsorship isn't just about PR. It's also about clever internal marketing.

What are your experiences with sports sponsorship? Or sponsorship in general?

James Adonis is the author of Employee Enragement.

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