Video shows Man Haron Monis called Sunrise presenter David Koch a terrorist

Sydney siege gunman Man Haron Monis confronted television host presenter David Koch while he was speaking to fans and called him a "terrorist" during a bizarre protest that he had his girlfriend film.

Monis and his lover, Amirah Droudis, also made a video together that warned "Australians will be attacked, Australians will be hurt, Australians will be killed" and ended in the sound of gunfire. 

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RAW VISION: On June 27, 2008 Sydney siege gunman Man Haron Monis confronted TV host David Koch, calling him a "terrorist".

Ms Droudis is on trial accused of stabbing Monis' former wife 18 times, dousing her in petrol and setting her  body on fire inside a Werrington apartment block in April 2013.

The Crown has tendered the videos to support its case that Droudis was "besotted" by Monis and ready to do whatever he asked of her, including carrying out the brutal killing.

Played in the NSW Supreme Court on Wednesday, one of the videos captures Monis, who styled himself as a Muslim cleric, confronting Koch outside Sunrise's Martin Place studios and appearing to shout "are you a terrorist?" and "he's a terrorist" in 2008. 

Koch had been posing for pictures with fans after the show when Monis, who was upset about comments broadcast on Channel Seven that he found offensive towards Muslims and was holding a placard labelled " If you want to kill people why not?", approaches the star and starts yelling.


A security guard and police officer intervene, and Monis repeatedly shouts "this is a public area" before the recording stops.

The protest was was staged just metres away from the Lindt Cafe, where Monis would take 18 people hostage and be shot dead in December 2014.

Ms Droudis filmed the scene on a hand-held camera. In a video of another protest outside the Channel Seven building, she wears a niqab and hands out flyers to passers-by.

The camera focuses on the television station's logo, the surrounding buildings, the public thoroughfare and zooms in on the Martin Place sign.

The pair also made a series of extreme videos together, the court heard.

In one, Ms Droudis says "Sheikh Haron has a message" before she denounces the execution of the Bali bombers and warns of fatal consequences for Australians. 

"Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, I swear to god that Muslims will attack Australia," Droudis says.

"Australians will be attacked. Australians will be hurt. Australians will be killed. Australians will be killed. Australians will be killed."

A message, purportedly written by Monis, appears at the start of the video.

"I swear to god that Muslims will punish Australians," the message says.

The clip ends with the sound of gunfire.

Ms Droudis' defence team is not contesting that Ms Droudis is in the videos or that Monis was the mastermind of his ex-wife's murder, but has argued that he could have hired or convinced someone else to carry out the killing.