Stories by David Edwards

David Edwards is a writer for Raw Story.  subscribe to David Edwards's feed

Posted on: Feb 1, 2017, Source: Raw Story

"I don’t really know the Steve Bannon that you have today.”

Posted on: Jan 31, 2017, Source: Raw Story

The young child from Iran was separated from his parents and detained under Trump's misguided executive order.

Posted on: Jan 29, 2017, Source: Raw Story

The mayhem could have easily been avoided.

Posted on: Jan 24, 2017, Source: Raw Story

His outrage was the reason for Sean Spicer's authoritarian farce of a press conference.

Posted on: Jan 23, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Police responded after the victim fled to a gas station for help, the Associated Press reported.

Posted on: Jan 22, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Trump's birther movement paved the way for this latest surreal moment.

Posted on: Jan 19, 2017, Source: Raw Story

In 24 hours, this statement will be an ethics violation.

Posted on: Jan 15, 2017, Source: Raw Story

According to ABC News, sources on the Trump transition team said that “the visit was removed from his calendar due to scheduling issues and was not fully planned out.”

Posted on: Jan 2, 2017, Source: Raw Story

More than three hours before midnight, Lemon began drinking on the air at a nightclub in New Orleans.

Posted on: Jan 2, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Trump’s slogan misses the mark for addressing the current reality in the United States.

Posted on: Dec 26, 2016, Source: Raw Story

“I think if the people that like him saw him saying the N-word...I think they would have liked him more for being politically incorrect."

Posted on: Dec 18, 2016, Source: Raw Story

“This is an attack on our country!”

Posted on: Dec 12, 2016, Source: Raw Story

In a Facebook post in November, Clay County Development Corporation Director Pamela Taylor insulted the current first lady while celebrating the election of Donald Trump.

Posted on: Dec 9, 2016, Source: Raw Story

E. Randol Schoenberg cries foul on James Comey's fateful letter.

Posted on: Dec 6, 2016, Source: Raw Story

She can ill afford losing her measly $176 a month.

Posted on: Dec 4, 2016, Source: Raw Story

During an interview on ABC’s This Week, host George Stephanopoulos reminded the future vice president of Trump's recent tweet.

Posted on: Dec 1, 2016, Source: Raw Story

No shoppers or employees came to her rescue.

Posted on: Nov 27, 2016, Source: Raw Story

“It was hard fought on all sides. And — and — and it was vigorous till the end," said Cruz.

Posted on: Nov 22, 2016, Source: Raw Story

The mystery of why people vote against their own interest continues.

Posted on: Nov 20, 2016, Source: Raw Story

Mike Pence was booed at the Broadway show, and a black actor expressed Americans' fears about the incoming administration.
