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released: 3 Feb 2017 author: AIHW media release

Cancer in Australia 2017 presents the latest available information on national population screening programs, Medicare data, cancer incidence, hospitalisations, survival, prevalence, mortality and burden of disease. Cancer is the leading cause of disease burden in Australia. For all cancers combined, the incidence rate increased from 383 per 100,000 persons in 1982 to 504 per 100,000 in 2008, before an expected decrease to 470 per 100,000 in 2017. During the same period, the mortality rate decreased from 209 per 100,000 in 1982 to 161 per 100,000 in 2017. Cancer survival has improved over time. It is estimated that the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Australia in 2017 will be breast cancer in females, followed by colorectal cancer and prostate cancer (excluding basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, as these cancers are not notifiable diseases in Australia).

ISSN 1039-3307 (Print) 2205-4855 (Online); ISBN 978-1-76054-075-3; Cat. no. CAN 100; 204pp.; $26

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Publication table of contents

  • Preliminary material
    • Contents
    • Title and verso pages
    • Acknowledgments
    • Abbreviations
    • Symbols
    • Summary
    • Data at a glance 
  • Body section
    • 1 Introduction
      • 1.1 Data sources
      • 1.2 Risk factors for cancer 
    • Section one: an overview
    • 2 Surveillance and early detection
      • 2.1 Population-based cancer screening
      • 2.2 Medicare-subsidised surveillance, detection and monitoring tests 
    • 3 Number of new cases
      • 3.1 All cancers combined
      • 3.2 Most commonly diagnosed cancers
      • 3.3 In situ tumours 
    • 4 Treatment
      • 4.1 Hospitalisations for all cancers combined
      • 4.2 Hospitalisations for principal diagnosis of cancer
      • 4.3 Hospitalisations for chemotherapy
      • 4.4 Radiotherapy for cancer
      • 4.5 Hospitalisations for palliative care for cancer 
    • 5 Survival and survivorship after a cancer diagnosis
      • 5.1 Survival
      • 5.2 Survivorship population 
    • 6 Number of deaths
      • 6.1 All cancers combined
      • 6.2 Most common causes of death from cancer 
    • 7 Burden of disease
      • 7.1 All cancers combined
      • 7.2 Cancer type 
    • 8 Key population groups
      • 8.1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
      • 8.2 State and territory
      • 8.3 Remoteness area
      • 8.4 Socioeconomic group 
    • Section two: Selected cancers
    • 9 Summary pages for selected cancers 
  • End matter
    • Appendixes
      • Appendix A: Cancer codes
      • Appendix B: Cancer incidence, mortality and survival for all cancer groupings
      • Appendix C: Methodology for estimating 2013 cancer incidence in NSW
      • Appendix D: Methodology for cancer projections
      • Appendix E: Definition of cancer-related hospitalisations
      • Appendix F: Definition of Medicare items
      • Appendix G: Data sources
      • Appendix H: Classifications
      • Appendix I: Statistical methods and technical notes 
    • Glossary
    • References
    • List of tables
    • List of figures
    • Related publications

Recommended citation

AIHW 2017. Cancer in Australia 2017. Cancer series no. 101. Cat. no. CAN 100. Canberra: AIHW.

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