
Former LNP leader John-Paul Langbroek pays back $800 hotel bill

Senior Liberal National Party frontbencher John-Paul Langbroek will repay taxpayers more than $800 worth of hotel bills for nights spent in his own Gold Coast electorate.

The opposition health spokesman and former LNP leader has come under fire for making expenses claims on three occasions for nights spent at hotels within his electorate of Surfers Paradise.

He says the claims were in line with parliamentary guidelines, but has now agreed to repay the money.

The decision to repay the money comes after Mr Langbroek went on his sister Kate Langbroek's national radio on Wednesday to shoot down rumours the hotel stays were evidence he was having an affair.

"Where does that come from?" an incredulous Mr Langbroek asked, adding that his wife was with him on all three occasions.

"We were at three charity events together and stayed at this hotel."


He went on to apologise for making the expense claims, and promised not to do so again, but stressed they were within the rules.

"For the first 10 years I was in, you couldn't do it, and then they said you can," Mr Langbroek told the Hughesy and Kate show.

"But I do understand that people have said 'you can't do that' and so I won't be doing it again."