Fennec fox kit born at Taronga Zoo

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This was published 5 years ago

Fennec fox kit born at Taronga Zoo

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A fennec fox kit has been introduced to the public at Sydney's Taronga Zoo. The smallest of the world's fox species, the fennec fox is native to northern Africa.


Taronga Zoo is celebrating a birth from the world's smallest fox species, a tiny fennec fox kit.Credit:Paul Fahy/ Taronga Zoo


The fennec fox has enormous bat-like ears that appear to be on loan from a much larger relative.Credit:Taronga Zoo


The infant is the seventh for experienced parents Kebili and Zinder, who have successfully raised two previous litters.Credit:Taronga Zoo


The kit has gone from being completely reliant on its parents to learning how to forage for food on its own.Credit:Taronga Zoo



The kit weighed in at 640 grams this week and has begun to sample solid foods such as crickets, mealworms and mice.Credit:Taronga Zoo


The ears can grow to more than 15 centimetres in length and help the foxes to dissipate heat and keep cool in the desert sun of northern Africa.Credit:Taronga Zoo


The fennec fox kit is yet to be named by zookeepers. May we suggest Gilchrist?Credit:Taronga Zoo