Good Weekend

How to deal with the tooth fairy myth when your child is milking the money

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Q: My 11-year-old has told me she doesn't believe in the tooth fairy, yet she has put two baby teeth in a glass of water on the window sill. Do I pretend the tooth fairy is real? Or do I just negotiate a price for the teeth with her directly? D.N., INVERGOWRIE, NSW

I think I was also about 11 when I found out the tooth fairy wasn't real. My tooth fell out, I hid it under my pillow, I went to bed, and in the middle of the night I woke up to find my dad standing there, sneaking money under my pillow.

I don't know why he was dressed in pink fairy wings and a pink tutu, but I guess he just wanted to get into character or something. Anyway, he smiled awkwardly, tiptoed out in his pink fairy slippers, and we never spoke of it again. Kids' teeth have no actual monetary value. You can't exchange them for currency, you can't sell them as jewellery, you can't melt them down for a DIY bathtub re-enamelling job – you'd need a lot of kiddie teeth and it gets creepy when you start asking around.

So if your daughter no longer believes in the tooth fairy, why would you give her money? It seems like a lousy business transaction: she gets cash, and you get a useless hard thing that fell out of her gum, still coated in gooey caramel from the Curly Wurly bar that yanked it out. Don't give her any money; she has made her choice.

And if she seems upset about it the next morning, just tell her the tooth fairy was real all along and it died from a broken heart, clutching an empty tooth-sack and floating facedown in a fetid swamp of shattered childhood fantasies. She's old enough. She can handle the truth.