
Two patients with flesh-eating bacteria necrotising fasciitis in Blacktown Hospital

Two people are in a stable condition in Blacktown Hospital after they contracted rare flesh-eating bacteria overseas.

A 57-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman acquired necrotising fasciitis in Polynesia.

"There is no risk to public health and the community should not be alarmed," a spokesperson for Blacktown Hospital said on Tuesday.

The cases were unrelated, the spokesperson said in a statement.

Seven News reported the man underwent surgery after the bacteria stripped his skin from his lower back to his feet, while the woman was affected from the knees down.

Necrotising fasciitis - also known as gas gangrene - is a serious bacterial skin infection that spreads quickly and kills the body's soft tissue, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Around 400 cases are diagnosed in Australia each year, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

The condition can be caused by several types of bacteria, including more than one type of bacteria group A Streptococcus, Klebsiella, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Aeromonas hydrophila.

The bacteria usually enter the body through damage to the skin and infects the fascia - connective bands of tissue that surround muscles, nerves, fat and blood vessels

The infection also damages the tissues next to the fascia.

Patients with impaired immunity, obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes are more susceptible to the infection.

The tell-tale symptom is pain that is far more severe than what would be expected for what appears to be a minor infection. The skin can become discoloured and patients eventually feel severely unwell, with fever, swelling, low blood pressure and confusion.

First line treatment is antibiotics, and surgery is often needed to remove the dead tissue. 

In extreme cases, toxins produced by the bacteria can destroy the infected tissue, which can lead to loss of limbs and become life-threatening in a short amount of time.

Patients can develop extensive skin and deep tissue loss, and in the most critical cases, organ failure.

In 2015, Port Melbourne VFL player Sam O'Sullivan was hospitalised with necrotising myositis, a type of necrotising fasciitis.