ACT News

Considering entering a clinical trial? Do your homework, breast cancer consumer representative says

People considering entering a clinical trial should not be put off from all studies by some with financial ties between researchers and pharmaceutical companies, a long-time trial advisor says.

For more than 20 years, Linda Reaby has sat as a 'citizen representative' on the Australia and New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group and in more recent years advised the International Breast Cancer Intervention Study.

Clinical trials are used to investigate the safety of new medicines and medical devices and assess such products "efficacy" - or to what extent they actually work - before seeking government approval to put a medicine on the market.

It can cost a company hundreds of millions of dollars to conduct a rigorous trial, but the pay-offs can be in the billions and recent research has indicated links between financial ties between pharmaceutical companies, researchers and the "positive" outcomes of clinical trials.

But Ms Reaby said such links could also be due to companies funding trials for "more promising drugs", while those less-promising drugs which would yield more "negative" results may not proceed to a full trial.

Ms Reaby said while there were some studies that weren't up to scratch on conflicts of interest, academic independence and data integrity, most of those conducted in Australia were subject to strict oversight.


"But the corruption of other studies taints the efforts of unbiased researchers seeking medical advancements," she said.

She said people considering entering a clinical trial were often not making decisions based on the best evidence available, as their judgement could be clouded by the uncertainty surrounding their diagnosis.

"People are not often thinking about the evidence, their thinking is often clouded by the disease, so it's important to have someone there (you trust) to ask the tough questions and work with you," she said.

Ms Reaby, who has suffered breast cancer and has participated in a clinical trial, also recommended people ask their GP if they can record appointments, so they can go back to the recording to ask questions they forget to ask during appointments.

She said there were also several things for people to look out for when considering entering a clinical trial including an independent, ethical, committee overseeing the trial, with a majority of "non-industry" people on such committees.

Signs of a well-designed trial:

No direct funding by a pharmaceutical company, unless there is independent oversight of data collection and reporting, study methodology, ethics, findings and reporting

Association or oversight with a reputable "clinical trials group", often linked to reputable universities

A majority of non-industry representatives on any vetting group or committee, including 'consumer representatives, overseeing the trial

Complete declarations of financial links (direct or indirect) and conflicts of interest between any parties involved

Signs of poorly-designed trial:

Direct funding and control of trial design, data collection and methodology by pharmaceutical company or affiliate

Lack of independent oversight of study, reporting of financial links or other potential conflicts of interest

No oversight by a wider, independent clinical trials group or ethics committee with a range of stakeholders

For more information on clinical trials, read the Therapeutic Goods Administration's Australian Clinical Trial Handbook and other resources on Good Clinical Practice from the National Health and Medical Research Council.