School class sizes fall in a costly mistake

Education Minister Simon Birmingham says state governments are dodging the responsibility to fund schools.
Education Minister Simon Birmingham says state governments are dodging the responsibility to fund schools. Wayne Taylor

Class sizes are continuing to fall in primary schools across Australia, pushing up government education budgets in the face of accepted research that says making classes smaller is not an effective way to improve education.

Data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on Thursday says the student-teacher ratio in public primary schools fell from 15.3 in 2015 to 15.0 last year. The student-teacher ratio in Catholic schools also fell from 16.9 in 2015 to 16.6 last year.

Class sizes have been falling for decades in Australian schools in response to pressure from parents, teachers unions and a mistaken notion that children learn better in smaller classes.

However, the Social Ventures Australia Evidence for Learning website, which aggregates worldwide research and is endorsed by school education expert John Hattie, says that reducing class sizes is not a cost-effective way to get better results in classrooms.

Student-teacher ratios in schools
Student-teacher ratios in schools

"Small reductions (eg from 30 to 25 students) are unlikely to be cost-effective relative to other strategies," it says. (Actual class sizes are larger than suggested by the student-teacher ratio because teachers also perform duties outside the classroom.)

Professor Hattie, who heads the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, said last year Australia had wasted billions of dollars reducing class sizes, which didn't work because teachers didn't change the way they taught.

While the continuing fall in student-teacher ratios is driving up the cost to government of funding education, federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham is blaming state governments for shifting the cost burden to Canberra by not matching the increases which the federal government is making to school funding.

Surfeit of  teachers

He said the latest data from the Productivity Commission's Report on Government Services, released on Friday, showed that between 2013-14 and 2014-15, the Coalition government increased per-student funding to government schools by 7.3 per cent and non-government schools by 5.3 per cent in real terms, while real per-student funding from state and territory governments rose by 1.3 per cent for government schools and 2 per cent for non-government schools.

The latest fall in the student-teacher ratio comes after a plateau in the long-term trend reduction plateaued in 2011. The ABS said part of the latest fall was due to Queensland and Western Australian transferring year 7 from primary to high school, which left a surfeit of primary school teachers.

However, the student-teacher ratio in public primary schools also fell in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania. And in Catholic primary schools the ratio fell in all states.

The student-teacher ratio also fell in high schools last year but this came after a bump in 2015 which the ABS said was "primarily driven" by a shortage of teachers in Tasmania and the Northern Territory that year.

The latest schools data from the ABS also shows that the trend back to public education has deepened with 65.4 per cent of all schoolchildren in public schools in 2016, up from 65.2 per cent the previous year.

The proportion of children in public schools has now gone up for two consecutive years, decisively ending the four-decade, long-term decline in public school share which began in the mid-1970s.

Last year public schools picked up students at the expense of Catholic schools whose share of students declined from 20.4 per cent in 2015 to 20.2 per cent last year. Independent schools maintained their share at 14.4 per cent.