Married at First Sight star Jamie Otis and husband Doug Hehner happily announce that she is pregnant - six months after the reality star suffered a devastating miscarriage

  • The 30-year-old and her husband Doug Hehner, 33, revealed she suffered a miscarriage in July when she was 17 weeks pregnant
  • Today the couple announced that they are expecting once again in a special episode that aired on FYI 
  • Speaking to Daily Mail Online, Jamie admitted she and Doug started trying to conceive again immediately and are now ten weeks along
  • She also said friends and family made her nervous to tell the world but she is excited and wanted to share her news 

Less than six months after tragically losing their son in a miscarriage, Married at First Sight stars Jamie Otis and Dog Hehner have revealed that they are expecting once again.

Jamie, 30, and Doug, 33, made the big announcement in a special on the FYI network Tuesday night, sharing their happy news with fans.

The couple also spoke to Daily Mail Online about their new baby, who is ten weeks along, and what it's like to get ready for a new child after losing one whom they wanted so badly.

Congrats! Married at First Sight stars Jamie Otis and Dog Hehner (pictured) have revealed that they are expecting a baby

Emotional moment: The couple lost a baby at 17 weeks last July

'My husband and I are beyond thankful and excited for this new little miracle growing inside me,' Jamie said. 'We feel so blessed and honored and excited and proud and ahh, so many feelings!'

Despite their overwhelming happiness, though, Jamie did admit that they are a bit worried. Last July, Jamie was 17 months along in a pregnancy with a little boy they planned to name Jonathan Edward when she miscarried. She has spoken publicly about the loss on several occasions. 

'I'd be lying if I didn't add that we are also a bit fearful of losing our sweet little peanut, but we are choosing happiness and excitement over fear,' she said.

That fear did give her pause before deciding to share her news. Though she was quick to tell family and close friends, they warned her to keep the news a secret from the public.

Major loss: Jamie has spoken out often about losing the boy, whom they named Jonathan

Getting started: She told Daily Mail Online that she and her husband started trying again right away after the miscarriage  

'Most responded with "Oh, be careful!" or "Don't share this news! What if...." and I feel like my emotions went from joyous and excited to petrified and fearful of losing him/her,' she said. 'I know my family and friends love us and just want to protect us so this is their natural reaction.

She added: 'This little one deserves to be celebrated with love and excitement from the moment he/she is conceived, not be hidden in fear.'

Jamie admitted that she and her husband started trying for another baby immediately after losing Jonathan.

'The moment I lost our sweet Johnny I felt so empty inside,' she said. It felt wrong not to have my sweet boy growing inside me. We asked our doctor how long we should wait before trying again and she said we could try again immediately... I was on a mission to be pregnant again. I wanted to fill that void inside me.'

Supportive: Despite her loss, she happily supported her sister during her pregnancy 

Family focus: She and Doug are also a loving aunt and uncle

And they didn't just try — they employed 'tricks' too, and used 'an obnoxious amount of early pregnancy tests' each month.

On December 20, she used a digital pregnancy test and found out she was expecting. 

'This news couldn't have come on a better day. I was due to have our sweet first born son, Johnathan, on December 20th,' she said. 'As I sat there crying staring at a plastic device I just peed on I told our little Johnny how much I love him and will always love him... and I thanked him for precious gift he gave us. 

'Because we ended up finding out on Johnny's due date I took it as a sign from our sweet boy in heaven. It was like this pregnancy was a gift from big brother and a message to mommy and daddy to be happy for the holidays.'

Though they don't yet know the baby's sex, they have begun floating some ideas around for names. Otherwise, though, they're not doing much planning.

Symbolic: Jamie found out she was expecting again the same day Jonathan was due

In December, she shared a flashback photo from her pregnancy with a message about coping with her loss 

Never forget: She sshared a tribute to son Johnathan Edward, whom she miscarried in July

'To be honest, we have been scared to plan too much for fear we will jinx it. As much as I talk about us choosing happiness over fear you'd think that fear would be gone, but it isn't,' she said. 'The only thing I am doing differently is going to the doctor every two weeks as opposed to monthly. We go more frequently just to check to make sure he/she is still happy and healthy!'

Jamie also wanted to share words for other women who have suffered miscarriages, warning them not to live in fear and to feel free to get excited about future pregnancies. 

'I became a bit negative and bitter always hearing this when the one thing I wanted wasn't happening and I was doing everything in my power to get pregnant,' she said. 'The one thing I want to say to you is remember to love yourself. Take care of yourself. 

'I'm not going to tell you to "Stop trying so hard or it'll never happen!" because I hated hearing those things (even if they are true). Just love on yourself and your partner. There's a lot to be gained from loving yourself and taking time to snuggle, spoon, and laugh with your partner. I also believe in the power of positivity. Every day put it out in the universe.' 

Hush hush: She quickly told her family and friends this time around, but they nervously warned her to keep mum 

Surprise! At ten weeks, though, she can't keep her bundle of joy a secret anymore 

Angel in heaven: Last year, Doug shared a photo collage of Jonathan's tiny footprints and ultrasound image, writing: '#BabyHehner even though you could only leave us with your footprints, you will forever remain in our hearts, and @jamienotis and I love you!'

In December, the reality star took to Instagram to share her sadness about the loss of her first child, posting an image from the early days of that pregnancy. 

'I was so happy to have you in my belly,' she went on. 'I was 3 months pregnant with you in this photo ... little did I know a month later I'd lose you. The heartache since you left has been excruciating. 

'Johnny, I can't help but think of what you'd look like if you were able to stay in there safe & sound & come to us like you were supposed to for Christmas. I'll always love & honor you. You're my angel baby. Even though we only met briefly & I only got to hold you & give you kisses once — I still miss you. I'll always, always love you.'

The mourning mom has shared several tributes to Johnny, including one for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month in October. 

Poignant words: Jamie explained that although she didn't want to offend anyone with photos of her lost baby, her son deserves to be remembered

Ending the stigma: Jamie, who was four months pregnant when she miscarried, said she wanted to create a space for other mothers who are mourning their late children 

Poignant: The couple only revealed the pregnancy a week before their loss and had been sharing pictures of her bump and journey

'I can't sleep well tonight so I blogged about my sweet boy, Johnathan Edward,' Jamie wrote on October 17. 'I realize there is a great stigma associated with sharing photos of your baby who was born too early and has already gone to heaven so I want to say sorry if this offends you.

'However, if there's one thing my husband has taught me it's this: "Don't live life trying not to offend anyone and trying to please everyone."' 

The television personality, who noted 'it's taboo to share photos and talk about miscarriage', said she really wants ' to desensitize this topic' and give other women who have miscarried a space where they can pay tribute to their lost children. 

Jamie and Doug met on season one of FYI's Married at First Sight, and then went on Married at First Sight: The First Year where they showed the highs and lows of post-marriage life. 

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