Small Business


How to become an Uber driver in Australia

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As state governments around the country grapple with how to regulate new ride sharing services, there seems to be little doubt that they will soon simply be another way of getting from A to B.

Which means there's a massive opportunity for drivers to get in on the ground floor, so to speak, given how new this business model is, and gain a first mover advantage.

I spoke to Brisbane-based Uber driver Coleen, 62, who prefers not to share her last name for privacy reasons, about how she makes her Uber business a success.

Coleen also runs a telecommunications services e-commerce business on the side, and Uber is a way to supplement her income while she builds this up.

"I needed something that would fit in with my business and that would give me some cash flow. I also wanted something I could do and still be with my family," she says.

Having met the basic requirements to become an Uber driver, which include owning a car that's less than nine years old, and after gaining a driver authorisation from the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Coleen was ready to go. She did an induction at Uber and uploaded her profile to the Uber app and waited for her first passenger.


"The first ride was fantastic because it was two Uber workers and they were great because I wasn't yet au fait with the app and they gave me some tips. I was terrified the first time I went out. I was planning on going out on the Monday and I didn't get the courage to go out until the Wednesday."

The way Uber works, if you're the driver closest to the person wanting a ride, you'll get the notification of the job. Simply tap it and the app will automatically provide directions to the passenger.

"Sometime the GPS isn't as accurate as it should be, or people might not be where they are supposed to be. But you can call them [with the app] if you can't find them. You need to experiment with the app to get used to it," she says.

In terms of the best times to look for work, Coleen says Christmas was busy but now it's quiet as a lot of people are still away. "I find a busy time is often 4am when you get the airport runs, and after that you get construction workers without cars that need to get to work. People in the cafe and restaurant industries also need a ride in the early morning. You can have the app on all the time because you can do things in between passengers."

She says Friday night can be either huge or small. But Saturday night is the cash cow. "You get the older people going out early and then the young people from 10.30 pm onwards, then after midnight they start to come home."

She says there is good business to be had in the suburbs, although living in the inner city she often gets people in her street wanting a ride.

As for the safety aspect, she says because all the information is exchanged in the app she feels perfectly comfortable, as there is a digital trail of every transaction.

"So far I have done 1600 rides and only four have made me feel uncomfortable, but I have never really been frightened." She says she aims to earn about $1000 a week, but out of that she has to pay taxes and the upkeep of the vehicle.

Coleen's advice to other people thinking about being an Uber driver is to experiment with the app.

"Turn it on at various times, whenever you have a spare hour. It's really good fun. I've had published authors and opera singers in the car and mathematicians – really interesting people. You don't have to have the greatest sense of direction; it's all about having the right attitude and making riders feel comfortable," she says.

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