Malcolm Turnbull puts gas reserve in the mix

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull visits the CSR Viridia Glass factory in Dandenong, south of Melbourne on Thursday. He ...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull visits the CSR Viridia Glass factory in Dandenong, south of Melbourne on Thursday. He has raised the prospect of a domestic gas reserve. JOE CASTRO

Malcolm Turnbull is prepared to discuss establishing a domestic gas reserve as part of his new energy security push but his plans for clean coal power stations have suffered a blow with the industry saying there was no appetite to invest in such plants.

A day after declaring the nation needed both clean coal and gas-fired power to prove baseload supply while renewable energy was being developed, Mr Turnbull was open to discuss domestic gas reserves on the east coast similar to that being proposed by the Queensland government.

That idea, which has alarmed the gas industry, would set aside a small area of exploration ground from which all gas produced must be used in Australia.

"We have seen some steps taken in Queensland in that regard. We're certainly open to discussing that with the states," he said.

Labor took a similar policy to the last election and was criticised by the Coalition.

But Mr Turnbull stressed the priority concerning gas was to offer incentives for the states to lift their moratorium on coal seam gas extraction.

"The most important thing first is to get access to more gas, full stop. We have a shortage of gas available for the domestic market on the east coast," he said.

Treasurer Scott Morrison endorsed a suggestion by Industry Minister Arthur Sinodinos that the federal government could compensate landholders whose land is accessed for CSG extraction.

The biggest shift on Wednesday was Mr Turnbull's re-embarce of coal, just six months after his government declared gas alone should provide baseload power during the transition to renewables.

Mr Morrison, Senator Sinodinos and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg all confirmed on Thursday that the government was considering using funds from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation - a $10 billion loan facility for clean energy projects - to subsidise new clean coal power stations.

"It's the Clean Energy Finance Corporation. It's not the wind energy finance corporation," Mr Morrison said.

Mr Turnbull said "it may require or involve support from the CEFC".

But the Australian Energy Council, which represents 21 energy providers, poured cold water on the coal idea.

"Over the past decade major generators have shelved plans to develop new coal-fired generation, as the 50 year life of the assets and their relatively high emissions profile made them uninvestable," said chief executive Matthew Warren.

"While lower emissions coal-fired power stations could be considered theoretically, in practice there is no current investment appetite to develop new coal-fired power in Australia.

"The industry's investment focus has shifted to a combination of firm lower emissions gas generation, renewables and enabling technologies like storage."

Environment groups decried the re-embrace of coal, arguing that even clean coal was still dirty compared with gas or renewables.

Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek said Mr Turnbull's pivot towards coal was "final proof that the alien body snatchers took the clean energy Malcolm Turnbull and replaced him with something completely different".

"What he's saying now is that globally, the economics of coal don't stack up anymore, we're in a transitional phase, it's less attractive for investors to invest in coal, so we're putting government money to support that coal industry," she said.

South Australian Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis who met Mr Frydenberg in Adelaide on Thursday, indicated he was not about to lift the CSG ban in his state.

He said clean coal plan was a "fairytale" based on "misplaced ideology".