Mark Carney retains wariness of Brexit impact

The Monetary Policy Committee now sees GDP rising 2 per cent this year, up from 1.4 per cent in November. "The stronger ...
The Monetary Policy Committee now sees GDP rising 2 per cent this year, up from 1.4 per cent in November. "The stronger projection doesn't mean the referendum is without consequence," Carney said. Simon Dawson
by Scott Hamilton and Brian Swint

Mark Carney warned that surprises could still be ahead as the UK starts the formal process of leaving the European Union, and the Bank of England is ready to respond accordingly.

"The Brexit journey is really just beginning; while the direction of travel is clear, there will be twists and turns along the way," the BOE governor told a press conference in London on Thursday. "We can see scenarios in either direction" for policy.

The BOE upgraded its economic forecasts for the second time since the Brexit vote and revealed that some policy makers have become more concerned about accelerating inflation. Stronger-than-expected growth - reflecting an easier fiscal stance, buoyant consumer spending and an improving global environment - is countered by the risk that Brexit will ultimately hurt the economy.

The Monetary Policy Committee now sees gross domestic product rising 2 per cent this year, up from 1.4 per cent in November.

"The stronger projection doesn't mean the referendum is without consequence," Carney said.

The solid expansion, coupled with a pickup in price growth, saw rate setters repeat that they have limited tolerance for inflation above their 2 per cent target. Some members went further and said they are "closer to those limits." Inflation is forecast to accelerate through this year and peak at 2.8 per cent in 2018.

"If we do see a situation where there is faster growth and wages than we anticipated or spending doesn't decelerate later in the year, one can anticipate there would be an adjustment of interest rates," Carney said.

For now though, the BOE is keeping its key rate at a record-low 0.25 per cent and its bond-purchase programs unchanged. It said there's more slack in the economy than previously thought so the jobless rate can fall further without generating inflation.

The pound fell, with the currency down 0.7 per cent at $US1.2577 at 2.07pm London time. Gilts advanced, pushing the yield on the 10-year security down seven basis points to 1.38 per cent.

Carney is giving himself time to assess the potential longer-term economic fallout from Brexit. The Federal Reserve took a similarly cautious tone this week, giving little signal on the timing of its next rate increase as it tries to figure out what President Donald Trump's actions mean for the US outlook.

The BOE sees inflation averaging 2.7 per cent this year and 2.6 per cent in 2018, little changed from its November projections. It will slip back to 2.4 per cent in 2019. The forecasts are based on market expectations for an interest-rate increase early that year, though the curve has steepened since the forecasts were completed.

The pickup in prices partly reflects the pound's 15 per cent drop since the Brexit vote last June. The upward pressure has eased somewhat, with sterling up 3 per cent since the November forecasts.

Policy makers said further currency volatility is likely as more details about the EU exit emerge. They also expect faster price growth to weigh on consumers, though less than previously thought.

The BOE was more optimistic about the labour market in the coming years, seeing the jobless rate about half a percentage point lower than previously anticipated. It cut its estimate of the equilibrium rate to 4.5 per cent from 5 per cent, which is lower than the current level of 4.8 per cent.

While the Brexit impact on the economy has been limited so far, the UK hasn't actually begun the formal exit process. Prime Minister Theresa May plans to trigger that by the end of next month.

"With time, the UK economy's supply will be affected by a new set of trading arrangements with the EU and other countries," Carney said.

In the shorter term, the effect on supply is mostly determined by firms' investment plans in anticipation of those potential arrangements, he said. The "key judgments" the MPC will have to make are the scale of business reaction and how that impacts productivity and employment, he said.
