The Chilean strike BHP Billiton just has to have

Management at BHP Billiton-run Escondida in Chile have rejected union demands for a 7 per cent pay rise and 25 million ...
Management at BHP Billiton-run Escondida in Chile have rejected union demands for a 7 per cent pay rise and 25 million peso ($50,104) bonus.

The certainty that strike action will halt production at the world's biggest copper mine as soon as next week announces the determination at BHP Billiton to yank as hard on the levers of productivity in Chile as it has in Australia.

BHP is the senior owner and operator of Escondida, the Chilean mine that produces about 5 per cent of the world's copper supply. Historically the mine has offered the best wages and conditions and, in return, management has achieved peak productivity outcomes in its crowded Chilean peer group.

But being among the best performers in Chile is just no longer enough. Productivity is a global game at BHP. And, having invested $US11 billion ($14.4 billion) in Chilean operations over the past decade, the Global Australian is now looking to reset Escondida's cost base ahead of going live with the next operational transformation at the linchpin of its copper business.

The usual pathway to improved productivity is through more prudent cost management and making more from less. BHP is following that convention. It has asked the 2500 members of the Escondida No. 1 union to accept what is effectively a four-year pay freeze, a two-thirds reduction in the "end of conflict" bonus handed to workers for just signing a new deal, and new flexibility over shift patterns.

The union, on the other hand, has demanded an upfront 7 per cent pay rise while resisting any productivity-focused alterations to arrangements set firm in the impressive deal it won in 2012. Oh, and the union also wants a $US35,000 "end of conflict" bonus.

That looks an awful lot when compared with the standing BHP offer of $US8000, but it represents some level of concession by the union given that the last time around the workers got $US49,000 a pop to settle a two-week strike.

New infrastructure

Since that deal was made in 2013 Escondida's owners – BHP, Rio Tinto and a trio of Japanese customers – have invested over $US7 billion on new infrastructure at the mine. That has paid for a desalination plant to provide water enough to run three concentrators at the mine. It has acquired new power capacity. And it has built a third concentrator and refurbished rather than demolished an existing one. This investment is all about mitigating the natural decline in copper grades but being able to dig up and process a whole lot more ore.

This collection of new kit is nearing readiness and the long ramp-up to rebuild and sustain Escondida's production at better that 1.2 million tonnes for more than a decade with unit costs falling from circa $US1.20 a pound to $US1.08 this financial year.

While the big build has been going on management has whittled away at Escondida's cost base. A little more than a year ago BHP reported that the cost of running the truck fleet has been reduced by 25 per cent and productivity has improved by 30 per cent and variety of maintenance and other mine services costs have been pruned by between 30 and 50 per cent.

And that is why Escondida sits at the vanguard of productivity in the Chilean copper business. But the joint venture's management has made it publicly plain that the progress so far is not enough.

In an interview with local Chilean media Escondida's vice-president corporate relations, Partricio Vilaplana, spelt out the challenge ahead.

"Ours is a business that is intensive in capital but the only way we can continue to invest in the future is by improving productivity as to remain competitive internationally," he said in an interview published over the weekend.

"If we take seven mining operations located in Canada, Australia, the United States and Peru, we see that their average productivity was 51 per cent higher than the average for the nine most productive Chilean mining operations.

"If we make the same comparison but with just the five most productive Chilean operations, there is still a gap of 28 per cent with respect to the international average, according to a preliminary report by Chile's National Productivity Commission.

"Moreover, according to this same study, there is not much difference between the five most productive Chilean operations. At Escondida, we still have a long way to go in order to be the world's best copper operation."

Long and volatile

The pathway to strike action in Chile would be very familiar to those who follow Australian industrial relations.

Once a final offer is made – as BHP did last week – the matter is presented to the members. At Escondida a vote is held over several days. The poll result will be called on Friday. The union has released numbers that suggest it is a forgone conclusion. When that no vote is confirmed Escondida will have 48 hours to apply for government mediation. Those discussions can go for three days. After that the union can strike.

Over recent days the union has described Escondida's offer as "absurd" and "aggression". The union has warned members to "prepare themselves for an extended conflict".

"We must reject, united and firm," the union said in a statement late last week. "There is no doubt about it. We must all vote for the strike. Our strength will force decisionmakers to change their position and to understand that you can't play with Chilean miners."

Strikes can be both long and volatile in Chile. The last strike at Escondida lasted two weeks, the one before that, in 2009, lasted 30 days. That same year another BHP-managed Chilean cooper mine, Spence, was hit by a 45-day contest.

One of the particular quirks of the Escondida agreements is that for the first two weeks there are firm limitations on management's capacity to mitigate. No one is allowed to work at the mine through that period. After 15 days management can use contract workers at the mine. But given that could get nasty, it would seem management is unlikely to make early use of that option.

To be clear on the circumstances here, Escondida's working population lives pretty much exclusively in and around the coastal town of Antofagasta.

There is only one main road to the mine and getting there takes three hours and involves a 3500-metre climb from the coast. So there is no way of avoiding union pickets or the confrontation that bus loads of imported contractors would trigger.

Brief surge

Through the December half Escondida produced about 2500 tonnes of copper a day. A 30-day strike would rob the business of more than 75,000 tonnes of production, a loss that would be shared among the owners.

The nearing reality of BHP's Chilean strike along with the confusion forced on US copper competitor Freeport by yet another clash with the Indonesian government that hosts its biggest mine, Grasberg, has seen copper surge briefly through the $US6000 a tonne threshold. And that has put a little rocket under copper equities like our very own little copper gem, Oz Minerals.

Outside of the fact that they both produce copper, there is one other firm link between Escondida and Freeport. Rio is a junior owner in each.

Freeport's problem is that this month Indonesia changed its mining law to force a transition from old-form agreements to new. Freeport says it will not surrender the agreements that secured its original and subsequent investments unless the new licences arrive with the same material protections.

The penalty for failing to accept the transition, though, is heavy. The new rules require new export licences. Freeport has asked for time to secure the guarantees it needs. The government seems to accept that idea but it has still not renewed the miner's export licence. The live risk is that Freeport will imminently face export bans on its copper in concentrate and that will see mine production trimmed by a massive 40 per cent.

Macquarie recently estimated that the copper world would lose 240,000 tonnes of copper supply if Freeport was to cut production for six months and Escondida shut down for two weeks. To put that into a local market context, that is equivalent to losing BHP's Olympic Dam for a year and Oz Minerals' Prominent Hill for six months.

Not surprisingly, Macquarie predicted "an exaggerated short-term rally" should "either or both of these events take place".

Fracking confusion

Just finally, we apparently caused a bit of confusion in Thursday analysis of Santos' plans for the Narrabri gas development. To be absolutely plain one of the key differences between drilling Queensland's and central NSW coal seams and the ones south of Narrabri DO NOT need to be fracked. This makes them cheaper to develop and should (but probably won't) make them less environmentally contentious.