'I have lost 260LBS, but I STILL feel disgusting': Obese people who shed massive amounts of weight risk their lives to get rid of their unsightly excess skin in gripping reality series

  • The second season of the TLC reality series Skin Tight airs Wednesday, March 1 
  • The series will follow 20 men and women who have lost a combined total of  4,962lbs as they seek surgery to have their excess skin removed
  • In the preview for the new season, many of the show's participants admit that they are still ashamed of their bodies despite their weight loss success  

A group of individuals who have collectively lost nearly 5,000lbs are going under the knife to have their unsightly excess skin removed on the series Skin Tight.

The second season of the dramatic TLC reality show airs on March 1, and features 20 men and women who have lost hundreds of pounds each but are still weighed down by the skin that is hanging from their figures.

'This skin is a prison,' one man admits in the heartbreaking preview for the upcoming season.

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New hope: The second season of the TLC reality series Skin Tight follows 20 men and women as they undergo surgery to remove their excess skin after losing hundreds of pounds each 

Still struggling: 'This skin is a prison,' this man admits in the heartbreaking preview for the new season 

Each of the show's participants is willing to undergo life-threatening surgery for the sake of removing the skin, which can weigh up to 50lbs.

The preview clip sees the show's stars holding and stretching their skin in their hands, as they confess that they are still disgusted by their bodies, despite their incredible weight loss stories.

'My skin looks horrible,' one woman says, while another man admits: 'I am ashamed of my body'. 

Painful: This woman lost 260lbs, but she says she still feels 'disgusting' because of her unsightly skin

Too much: The preview clip sees the show's stars holding and stretching their skin in their hands, as they confess that they are still ashamed of their bodies 

The men and women have lost a combined total of 4,962lbs, and one man with muscular arms says his trim figure is hidden by the skin hanging off of his stomach. 

'There's abs under there. I can feel them,' he says while looking at his body in his bathroom mirror. 

One man has so much excess skin that it nearly reaches his ankles, and he admits he feels trapped in his body. 

Doing everything he can: 'There's abs under there. I can feel them,' this man says while looking at his body in his bathroom mirror

Next step: The men and women have lost a combined total of 4,962lbs, but their transformations are still incomplete 

'I have lost 260lbs, but I still feel disgusting,' another woman confesses.

Although her frame is petite, she has flesh hanging from her chest, stomach, and thighs. 

Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, a Houston-based surgeon, can be seen marking up a patient's skin ahead of surgery. 

'It's going to be a very big operation,' he explains.  

Ongoing process: Each episode will follow two people as they embark on multiple surgeries to have their excess skin removed 

Heartbreaking: This man says he is disgusted by the skin he has hanging from his chest and stomach 

Although viewers will have to wait until the end of each episode to see the final results of their surgeries, it appears that many of their lives have been changed by their total body transformations. 

'When I look in the mirror I don't see my past anymore,' one woman says, while another adds: 'Now, I feel like I have gained my confidence back.'

The season premiere will follow Andrew, 31, who went from 502lbs to nearly 200lbs after the birth of his daughter and the end of a troubled romantic relationship inspired him to make a change in his life. 

Big operation: Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, a Houston-based surgeon, can be seen marking up a patient's skin ahead of surgery

Getting there: This man can be seen looking at his reflection following one of his surgeries 

Although he was able to lose the weight through diet and exercise, he realized his weight training still wasn't helping him lose the excess skin on his body. 

Not only does Andrew want to feel like a normal person again, he hopes that he can one day compete in a natural bodybuilding competition. 

Meanwhile, the episode also highlights 39-year-old Julie's journey. Although she was overweight nearly her entire life, the mother-of-four was able to go from 331lbs to 153lbs after having gastric bypass surgery. 

Despite her weight loss success, the excess skin on her body is keeping her from being intimate with her husband and bonding with her kids, and she hopes having it removed will help her become the wife and mom she wants to be.

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