Donald Trump is on a collision course with Janet Yellen

Janet Yellen, head of the US central bank, is on a collision course with US President Donald Trump.
Janet Yellen, head of the US central bank, is on a collision course with US President Donald Trump. CHARLES KRUPA

US President Donald Trump will be congratulating himself on his success this week in driving the US dollar lower, but economists warn that his victory is likely to prove short-lived.

The greenback fell to its lowest level in more than two months overnight, as investors took fright at the Trump administration's decision to attach the "strong dollar" policy that US administrations have followed for more than two decades.

The US, Trump declared this week, had acted "like a bunch of dummies" while other countries, such as Japan and China, used cheap currencies to give themselves a trade advantage. Trump's top trade adviser, Peter Navarro, joined in the attack, accusing Germany of using a "grossly undervalued" euro to exploit the US.

With the Trump administration clearly on the warpath, the prudent Janet Yellen, the head of the US Federal Reserve, decided to take cover.

The statement released after the Fed's two-day meeting this week stuck determinedly to well-worn phrases about the US economy and offered no hint as to the timing of future rate rises.

Yellen, of course, will be acutely aware of her ability to spur a US dollar rally after her seemingly anodyne comment last month - she noted the Fed should not wait too long to raise interest rates for fear of letting inflation get out of control - sparked a rebound in the greenback.

And she'll also be anxious not to upset the touchy Trump administration, for fear of hardening its resolve to more closely scrutinise the Fed's important monetary policy decisions.

But while Yellen showed exemplary caution in the latest Fed statement, she did permit herself one slight show of defiance.

While the Fed's comment that "measures of consumer and business sentiment have improved of late" seemingly pays tribute to the surge in optimism following Trump's surprise electoral victory - and which was reflected in the Dow Jones Industrial Average powering through the 20,000 level for the first time ever last week - it is also a signal that the Fed is determined that its decision-making will be shaped by economic factors, rather than the whims of Washington.

And economists warn that the Fed's determination to assert its independence is likely to thwart Trump's plans for a lower dollar, putting the US central bank on a collision course with the White House.

Economists warn that Trump's economic policy is internally contradictory, because his desire for a weaker dollar is at odds with his plans for fiscal stimulus and his threat of a border tax on imports.

Trump's promised fiscal stimulus - through huge tax cuts and higher infrastructure spending - is likely to boost US economic activity and spur inflation. And that will result in higher US interest rates.

Meanwhile, imposing stiff border taxes on goods imported into the US will encourage companies to shift production to the US, driving up demand for US workers which will lift wages.

But this will also fuel inflationary pressures in the US which are lead to higher interest rates and a stronger US dollar.

Indeed, Trump's policies make it all the more likely that the Fed will surprise investors by actually delivering the three rate hikes it has pencilled in for this year.

This would be in stark contrast to last year, when the US central bank forecast four rate hikes, but ended up with a single rate hike in December.

Higher US interest rates will increase the appetite of foreign investors for US securities, and this flood of foreign capital flowing into the US will put huge upward pressure on the US dollar.

The only way to avoid a stronger US dollar would be for the Fed to keep rates steady despite rising growth and inflation, something it shows little intention of doing.

What's more, even without provoking Trump with talk of rate hikes, Yellen is quietly tightening US monetary policy.

That's because with every day that passes, the maturity of the Fed's $US4 trillion ($5.2 trillion) plus bond portfolio declines.

The average duration of the Fed's portfolio, excluding mortgage-backed securities, fell to just over six years last week from nearly 7.5 years at the end of 2013, according to Deutsche Bank.

And Yellen knows very well that this is having an impact on US interest rates. In a footnote to a speech she gave in January, she noted that the shortening maturity has the same impact on long-term US bond yields as two 25 basis point short-term rate hikes over the course of 2017.