JetBlue Mother's Day video: Airline offers passengers flight discount every time a baby cries

JetBlue Mother's Day video: Passengers offered flight discount every time a baby cries

JetBlue passengers received a discount whenever a baby cried on their flight.

We've all rolled our eyes and groaned when we've discovered a baby will be sitting next to us on a plane.

But a new video is giving passengers insight into what it's like for the mums who have to bring the babies onboard.

In the video, created by American low-cost airline JetBlue as part of a Mother's Day promotion, new mums are interviewed about the anxiety they feel when flying.

"I don't want to be that lady with the baby who's screaming for four hours," says one.

"People definitely give you some dirty looks," says another.

The video shows the mums and bubs boarding a flight from New York to California - cue the rolling of eyes and groans from other passengers.

But then a flight attendant announces that for every time a baby on the plane cries, passengers will receive 25 per cent off their next JetBlue flight.

It doesn't take long for passengers to work out that four cries equals 100 per cent off.

Immediately, their perceptions of the babies onboard change. Whenever a baby cries, they break into applause, cheering and laughing.

The result is a happier flight for everyone - even the babies are giggling by the end.

The video finishes with the reminder: "Next time smile at a baby for crying out loud."
