Marxism 2015

Marxism 2016 Cover

Marxism runs from Thurs 30 June to Mon 4th July

 It is held in 

The Institute of Education

22 Bedford Way



Nearest tube stations are Euston and Russell Square


To buy a ticket on the door come to our Box Office in the Institute of Education

The Box Office will open at 12 noon on Thurs 30 June and will be open throughout the event.


Where next after the Leave vote?


The Tories and the ruling class have been plunged into crisis. We have to make sure the crisis is used to strengthen the left and anti-racism. The vote to Leave the EU in the referendum poses sharp questions.  Was it driven by racist sentiment or an anti-establishment backlash against all the governing elites who have presided over economic crisis, inequality and cuts. Will the Tories—divided and tearing each other apart—be forced to call a general election? Is there a chance of a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn? Above all else how do we ensure maximum unity to take on the austerity, racism and Islamophobia that politicians and the media keep pushing.


See where next after the Leave vote meeting here


With over 150 different meetings across the five days Marxism festival is a crucial place to debate and analyse all these questions and many more. Marxism Festival brings together thousands of people from all over the globe united by a desire to see a world where people come before profit.


You can come for one meeting, one day or the full five day event.


In the evenings there will be plenty to keep you entertained including film showings, music, spoken word, plays and much more.


Come and be part of the discussion.