Weekend Edition
Protesters take to the streets for the Women's March on Washington (Mobilus In Mobili | flickr)

The people's resistance versus the president

We know now that Trump is going to be as horrible as everyone feared. But we also know he's going to be as widely resisted as anybody hoped.

The uprising of the airports

In city after city and airport after airport, people are turning out to protest Trump's executive orders declaring war on immigrants and refugees.

A history of banning refugees

Donald Trump's ban on Muslim refugees is part of a shameful history that includes U.S. government policies to block European Jews fleeing the Nazis.

An order for religious profiling

Using security as a pretext, Trump's ban on Muslims will unleash a tide of Islamophobia against victims of the "war on terror."

Let the refugees come home

Rutland Mayor Christopher Louras speaks to a rally against Donald Trump's Muslim ban (Robert Layman | The Rutland Herald)

The people of Rutland, Vermont, were ready to welcome 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees. Until Trump's racist ban took effect.

Get hate off Purdue's campus

Purdue students want the school's president to condemn racist posters that appeared on campus--and they're occupying until he does.

Solidarity can win at Fordham

Students are mobilizing to establish Students for Justice in Palestine at Fordham University, despite administration opposition.

New this weekend

What does it mean to make "America First"?

Any labor union or worker who signs up with Trump's "America First" program will find out that--rhetoric aside--Trump will put them last.

Dream pick for burger bosses

Trump's choice for Labor Secretary is a fast-food boss, and no amount of dish soap and hot water can wash the dirt off of him.

Trumka in Trump Tower?

One week before Donald Trump took office, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka paid a visit to the Trump Tower penthouse.

Keep him out of Milwaukee

A presidential visit to a Harley Davidson factory was cancelled when the company backed out over fears of large-scale protests.

Other top articles of the week

Do protests matter?

A sea of protesters floods the streets of New York City for the Women's March

It's often difficult for ordinary people to imagine we can have an impact on how society is organized. Mass protests can aid our imaginations.

A terrorist attack on Muslims

The mass shooting at a mosque in Quebec City exposed rampant Islamophobia--but also provoked a response of solidarity.

A lame-duck assault in Ohio

Ohio legislators seized the initiative after Trump's victory to push through right-wing bills on abortion, guns and the Fight for 15.

The roots of sectarianism

We’re told that sectarian religious divisions have always existed in the Middle East, but they are, in reality, a product of capitalism.

Surviving this war of theirs

The video game This War of Mine asks players to put themselves in the shoes of civilians trying to survive the horror of war.

The politics of the ISO

Where We Stand: The Politics of the ISO

In this extended series of articles on the politics of international socialism, Paul D'Amato, author of The Meaning of Marxism, looks in detail at the ISO's "Where We Stand" statement.

Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
The Russian Revolution of 1917
International Socialist Review |

The current issue of the ISR features an article by Bill Mullen on "Standing Up to the Zionist Backlash Against BDS." For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

The empire under Obama

President Barack Obama speaks to U.S. soldiers

The U.S. empire under Barack Obama has been a catastrophe for the world--we can never forget nor excuse his two terms of American violence.

Trump's executive hate crimes

Donald Trump has begun making good on his threats against immigrants with executive orders designed to terrorize millions in the U.S. and beyond.

Looking out for the 1 Percent

Donald Trump won votes by promising to create jobs, but his economic agenda will ultimately make him even more unpopular.

With Trump against the TPP?

The left can't fall into the trap of supporting Trump's economic nationalism, which only changes the methods of U.S. capital's rule.

Whose panhandling problem?

Rather than deal with a housing crisis, Portland officials and business owners complain about how homelessness "looks."

Are we naturally xenophobic?

The crowded streets of New York City

According to conventional wisdom, Donald Trump's xenophobia is a cruder form of a trait we all share because it's built into our human nature.

The people's wrath is near

In a foreshock of the revolution to come, Russian socialists called for a protest strike on the anniversary of a previous uprising.

México: Alzas y alzamientos

Una nueva ola de protestas se levanta con la fuerza de la rabia acumulada tras todas las ofensas cometidas por el régimen de Enrique Peña Nieto.

A combatir el racismo ejecutivo

Donald Trump ha comenzado a cumplir sus amenazas contra los inmigrantes con órdenes diseñadas para aterrorizar--a ellos y a la comunidad entera.

Depende de nosotros resistir

Las protestas contra la inauguración de la administración Trump no marcan la cúspide, sino sólo el inicio de la resistencia.

Standing up to the right

Ten years in prison for protest

Federal prosecutors will file charges against activists arrested on Inauguration Day that carry unprecedented fines and prison time.

The right lashes out in Seattle

The threat of the far right was thrown into sharp focus when an anti-racist was shot at a Seattle event featuring an "alt-right" leader.

The left can't be dismissive

If we're revolutionaries, then we have to believe that the vast majority of people can be won to more radical ideas and action.

They said "Not our president"

Hundreds of thousands stand up for women's rights in New York City

The protesters marching on Inauguration Weekend outnumbered those gathered to celebrate Trump by at least 10 to 1.

Don't shame the first steps

The women's marches were the beginning, not the end, and it does no good to chastise participants for not being "woke" enough.

Discontent behind the image

The bloody expulsion of protesters from the central square in al-Hoceima again exposes the myth of Moroccan "exceptionalism."

Syria after Aleppo's conquest

What will happen now following the fall of Aleppo--conquered by the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad after years of relentless war crimes?

Yes, we are all out to get him

Rob Brotherton's Suspicious Minds helps to illuminate the conspiratorial mind-set of reactionary figures like Donald Trump.

Views in brief

Joining the resistance | Don't shame those who speak out | Protest is only the start | Wrong chant for the inauguration | Uses of the hacking scandal

Work harder for Democrats?

At a union strategy conference in Illinois, AFSCME members were admonished for not putting more effort into a losing strategy.

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