Histomat: Adventures in Historical Materialism

'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution.' Georg Lukács

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Watership Down - A Marxist analysis

Image result for watership down
Possibly not the most critical question confronting the international working class movement in the age of Trump, but if anyone is interested in a Marxist analysis of  Richard Adams's Watership Down there is one in the latest Socialist Review, alongside much else....

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Friday, December 23, 2016

Is Marxism a science of defeat?

I don't want to write a great deal about 2016 as a sort of year in review piece - apart from some victories for the Left like the re-election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party, overall the year has been pretty depressing overall and the thought of revisiting it in detail is also pretty depressing - but I guess this blog should register Brexit and the victory of Donald Trump somewhere, even briefly. What is important to register however is how they represent not defeats for socialism and socialists - but do represent historic defeats for liberalism - or more precisely, as Alex Callinicos notes, 'the Western liberal capitalist order' as '40 years of neoliberalism and nearly ten years of what Michael Roberts calls the “Long Depression”—are beginning to destabilise the political systems of the advanced capitalist states'. Given the outcome is not particularly pretty so far, given the palpable shift to the right in mainstream political discourse and confidence that racists and fascists in the US and Europe now feel, the events of 2016 represent a political challenge for the Left. To quote Callinicos again,

The challenge here in Britain, in the rest of Europe and in the US, is to build broad and united anti-racist mass movements that can drive back the likes of Trump and May, Farage and Le Pen. The arrival of a right-wing adventurer at the head of the main imperialist power is unwelcome indeed. But Trump’s power can be broken through the kind of combination of external pressures from above, internal divisions from within, and mass resistance from below that have removed many of his ilk before him. The giant demonstrations in Seoul that have forced the South Korean National Assembly to impeach another right wing president, Park Geun-hye, underline how hubris can rapidly be transformed into nemesis.

Yet rather than see matters as a challenge for the Left and how the Left can - and must - intervene to ensure that the anger at forty years of neoliberal capitalism is directed not at the poor and generally powerless like refugees, migrants and Muslims but against the rich and powerful - those politicians and bankers who caused the crisis in the first place, too much of the Left instead seems to prefer a narrative and perspective of extreme pessimism - essentially 'pass the popcorn and lets watch the world go to hell', a narrative which they claim has been vindicated by 2016.

So Richard Seymour, author of generally useful recent work on Corbynism, insisted in November after Trump's victory that Marxism is a science of defeat; the history of the Left is a history of defeats. We mourned them, learned from them. This is no different. He then followed this tweet up with: Out of incomparably graver defeats than the ones we are witnessing - 1848, 1871, 1936, etc - there came analysis, elegy and the means to win. Yet leaving aside the question about whether 2016 did represent a 'defeat' for the Left - which as noted above, I don't buy - is this right? Is Marxism a 'science of defeat'?

Firstly, to deal with Seymour's case for why Marxism should be seen as a 'science of defeat', he argues that 'the history of the Left is a history of defeats' - and then to support this argues that '1848, 1871 and 1936' were typical examples of 'defeats'. Is this right? Well, if the history of the Left was really simply a history of defeats without end, then - and to just take the example of Britain alone here - we would not have had the formation of trade unions in the face of intransigent opposition from employers and the state, the winning of trade union and workers rights to strike and organise, the formation of mass workers movements on a national scale like the Chartists, the victory of the right of workers and then women to vote, the formation of mass long lasting workers political parties like the Labour Party, and so on. Or more broadly, if the abolitionist movement which the early working class movement was intertwined with had known only defeat, we would possibly still have slavery; if the anticolonial movements which again the Left were central to building had known only defeats, we would not have had the decline and fall of the European Empires in terms of colonialism; if the anti-apartheid movement which again the Left was central to had known only defeat, we would still have had the brutal obscenity of apartheid South Africa; and if the anti-racist and anti-fascist movements in post-war Britain which again which the Left was central to building had known only defeat, then well the National Front in Britain would not resemble a minuscule rump of embittered old blokes in a pub somewhere, but be more like its sister organisation in France - the Front National - posed to challenge for presidential office next year.

As for Seymour's specific 'defeats' - was 1848 simply a defeat - or should it also be remembered as an inspiring year of Europe-wide democratic revolution that toppled a number of regimes and in France saw workers independently challenge for power in France and see the first socialists and workers ever elected to governmental office? Was 1871 simply a defeat (when the Paris Commune was repressed - or also a historic victory for workers in the sense of the first revolutionary workers government ever in history and an exciting and inspiring experiment in 'democracy from below'? Was 1936 simply a year of defeat in terms of the Moscow Trials and Stalinist terror or also the days of hope in Spain as workers militias rose up to block Franco and mass strikes and workers factory occupations rocked Paris after the election of a Popular Front government?

I think a much better and far more useful definition of Marxism is as a generalisation of and from working class experience - both defeats and victories - or as Georg Lukacs put it 'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution'. Indeed, 2017 will mark the centenary of the greatest ever victory won by the Left and working class movement in its history to date - the Russian Revolution of 1917. 1917 was not any kind of 'defeat' for the Left and the workers - it was a clear unambiguous world historic victory as a workers and peasants' revolution that not only was critical to ending the barbaric slaughter of the First World War but also saw the first socialist government ever form. It represented a fantastic blow to imperialism, racism and international capitalism - and gave hope to those who dreamed of a world without exploitation and oppression. Obviously what followed with respect to the failure of that revolution to spread internationally and especially to Germany represented massive defeats for the international workers movement, defeats that ultimately culminated in the rise of Nazism in Germany and the rise of Stalinism in Russia. But if Marxism was simply a 'science of defeat' then not only would such a science have not been able to envisage the possibility of something like 1917 happening in the first place, it would not have been able to serve as a guide of action for those Bolsheviks who led the October Revolution, and then not have been able to make sense of such a moment as 1917 (and so be like any other bourgeois theory which also can't really properly make sense of or come to terms with 1917).

Image result for russia's red year newsinger
1917 - A Victory for Workers and Peasants

In fact, there were very many so-called Marxists - even in Russia - who did in a sense envisage Marxism as a 'science of defeat' - even during 1917 - these 'Marxists' were terrified at the looming prospects of the workers taking power as they saw this as 'premature' - according to their theory - based on a supposedly 'scientific' reading of Marx's Capital, Tsarist Russia was only 'ready' for at best a bourgeois revolution - they feared the 'dark primitive masses' actually taking power as they felt this would only lead to pillage and looting and would frighten the liberal bourgeoisie from undertaking what was supposed to be their 'bourgeois revolution'. In this sense, as Antonio Gramsci noted in 1917, the Bolshevik revolution was 'a revolution against Karl Marx’s Capital.'

In Russia, Marx’s Capital was the book of the bourgeoisie, more than of the proletariat. It was the crucial proof needed to show that, in Russia, there had to be a bourgeoisie, there had to be a capitalist era, there had to be a Western-style of progression, before the proletariat could even think about making a comeback, about their class demands, about revolution. Events overcame ideology. Events have blown out of the water all critical notions which stated Russia would have to develop according to the laws of historical materialism. The Bolsheviks renounce Karl Marx and they assert, through their clear statement of action, through what they have achieved, that the laws of historical materialism are not as set in stone, as one may think, or one may have thought previously. Yet, there is still a certain amount of inevitability to these events, and if the Bolsheviks reject some of that which is affirmed in Capital, they do not reject its inherent, invigorating idea. They are not ‘Marxists’, that’s what it comes down to: they have not used the Master’s works to draw up a superficial interpretation, dictatorial statements which cannot be disputed. They live out Marxist thought, the one which will never die; the continuation of idealist Italian and German thought, and that in Marx had been corrupted by the emptiness of positivism and naturalism. In this kind of thinking the main determinant of history is not lifeless economics, but man; societies made up of men, men who have something in common, who get along together, and because of this (civility) they develop a collective social will.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 - like other social revolutions - then also led to a revolution in thinking, and an intellectual revolution within Marxism - as the humanistic non fatalistic creative strand of Marxist thinking (which had been represented perhaps most clearly before then in works such as Leon Trotsky's writings on Permanent Revolution, Rosa Luxemburg's The Mass Strike and Reform or Revolution and Vladimir Lenin's writings on Imperialism and The State and Revolution) came to dominate over the sterile lifeless mechanistic version, and a new golden age of Marxist theory followed (represented in the writings of Lenin, Trotsky, Luxemburg, Bukharin, the early Lukacs, Gramsci and so on) before Stalinism snuffed it out and tried to return Marxism to the dry stuffiness of before - for a very useful overview of all this read What is the real Marxist tradition? by John Molyneux.

Molyneux notes Lenin’s contention that Marx 'laid the cornerstones of the science which socialists must advance in all directions, if they do not want to lag behind events'. If one sees Marxism as 'a science of defeats' then such a definition may appeal to confused liberals post-Brexit and Trump, but one will in all likelihood be depressed and get so carried away with purely 'theoretical analysis' one will avoid fighting practically for the small victories in the here and now in the class struggle underway, and therefore only find oneself forever lagging behind events - just as so many 'Marxists' during 1917 found themselves lagging behind the Russian Revolution when it erupted. If we instead see Marxism as the historic generalisation of working class experience - both defeats and victories - and about the unity of theory and practice, then it focuses our attention on fighting for the small victories in the here and now against the racists and the bosses, in preparation for learning from these for the greater class struggles to come. Marxism understood has such has no danger whatsoever of ever becoming a sterile dogma to salve (or perhaps 'salvage') the consciences of confused liberals - and every chance of remaining what Marx always envisaged it to be: a guide to action for socialist revolutionaries.

 Edited to add: Since writing this, Seymour has usefully expanded his argument here - his references to Enzo Traverso's new book Left-Wing Melancholy: Marxism, History and Memory are illuminating, but do not I think undermine the essential argument I make in the above.

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Sunday, October 09, 2016

International Socialism 152 out now

The new issue of International Socialism is now online, and as a British-based Marxist journal unsurprisingly making sense of Brexit and its repercussions is of central importance, with pieces including topical pieces including The ideology of Europeanism and Europe’s migrant other by Céline Cantat. Other pieces include Martin Empson on food, agriculture and climate change, Mike Gonzalez on two new books on Cuba and its revolution, historical pieces by Hungarian Marxist GM Tamas on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 on its 60th anniversary, Talat Ahmed on colonial troops in the First World War and John Newsinger on a forgotten Wobbly leader Marie Equi. There are also many other book reviews, including Michael Roberts's review of Anwar Shaikh's Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises and Alex Callinicos's review of Gareth Stedman Jones's much discussed Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion. All in all, a great looking issue with something for everyone - and since it is hard to read at length online, surely well worth considering subscribing...  

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Marxism and Nature / Marxism in Scotland

Two conferences coming up that might be of interest to Marxists based in the UK - one in London and one in Glasgow...
Day School - Marxism and Nature
A one-day conference hosted by International Socialism - programme available now Saturday 15 October 2016 10.30am- 5pm Student Central, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY Nearest tube stations: Russell Square/Euston/Euston Square/Goodge St Venue is wheelchair accessible. 

There are sharp debates on the left around humanity’s relationship to nature, the direction in which capitalism is going and what a more sustainable future might look like. The theoretical discussions around the relationship between nature and society have important political implications. For example, it has become common for theorists to argue that there is no separation between humanity and nature. Marx understood that humans are part of nature but can humanity be subsumed within nature? What does this mean for how we see the human labour and class struggle?
Those who attended John Bellamy Foster’s talk on the Anthropocene at Marxism 2016 this year will have some sense of the discussions going on. The video can also be seen here: http://tinyurl.com/JBF-Marxism16

Marxism in Scotland 2016 - Ideas to Change the World - Saturday 29 October, Glasgow

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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Is there a future for the Labour Left?

A historic pamphlet from just after the defeat of the 1983 election, written by Pete Goodwin, Is there a future for the Labour Left? A Socialist Workers' Party Pamphlet, is now online at the Marxist Internet Archive.  Wags might say, today a more appropriate pamphlet to read would be 'Is there a future for the SWP? A Labour Left pamphlet', given the massive rise of Corbynism over the past year or so.  However, for those Corbynites willing to defy Tom Watson's edicts and interested in what a 'Trotskyist' analysis of the Labour Party might look like, this little SWP pamphlet is not a bad place to start...  the conclusion however - that a revolutionary socialist organisation independent of the Labour Party needs to be built - may come as somewhat of a shock to those who believe Tom Watson's dossier on hard left entrism...  and may even convince some Corbynites to read some more Trotsky for themselves ... and who knows where that could lead? 

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

International Socialism 151 out now

Issue 151 of International Socialism includes Alex Callinicos’s analysis of the crisis in the Tory party caused by the referendum (written before the result), Eduardo Albuquerque on Brazil, Ralph Darlington on the fight against anti-trade union laws in the past and today, Ron Margulies on Islamophobia in Turkey, Camilla Royle on the Anthropocene and Max van Lingen on the Dutch Socialist Party plus John Newsinger on 'imperial silences from Rhodes to Surabaya'...

Edited to add: Brexit: a world-historic turn - updated post-Brexit analysis piece by Callinicos

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Where next after the Leave vote?

Celebrating Cameron's resignation - 'Oh my God, the quarterback is toast!'

After the historic EU vote and the fact that Cameron is now toast, come and discuss where next at Marxism 2016...

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Paul Foot on why socialists oppose the EU

[In his last posthumously published book, The Vote (2005), the campaigning socialist journalist Paul Foot stressed that the EU was part of the infrastructure of international capitalism like the IMF and World Trade Organisation, just another a 'capitalist bureaucracy' counter-posed and quite hostile to 'popular democracy' from below. As Foot wrote, 'The bureaucrats who put together the Treaty of Rome were at best uninterested, at worst downright hostile to extending democracy’, as the new political structure enshrined ‘an appointed Commission, with a huge supporting bureaucracy far out of the reach of any electorate’. ‘The plain fact [was] that membership of the European Community meant a transfer of power from elected Parliaments to the unelected European Commission’ while the European Parliament was actually completely powerless and open to corruption, as ‘the MEPs power and authority went down almost as fast as their salaries and expenses went up’. Writing in the Guardian on the EU in 2004, in what must have been one of his very final pieces of writing, Paul Foot re-emphasised why socialists stand against the EU. The essential truth of his argument, that while 'Another Europe is possible, another EU is not', it seems shines through as clearly and cogently as it did then - which is arguably why those socialists who rallied around the independent banner of a left exit - or #Lexit - this time around were right to do so]: 

I voted no in the 1975 referendum on EEC entry and will do so again in the European constitution referendum - whenever that finally happens. In 1975, I was uneasy about some of the company I was keeping. Very rightwing Little Englander Tories for instance, not to mention fascists. But the class lines were clearly drawn. The rich, almost without exception, were for a yes, the workers and the poor for a no. The Labour party and the TUC were for no on two solid grounds. First, the EEC was a capitalist club designed to cut down the influence of the workers. Second, its institutions were created by capitalists for capitalists and were therefore less democratic and more corrupt even than the parliamentary democracies of its member states. Those objections seem just as powerful today.

The basic class issues may be the same, but the party lines have shifted. The bulk of the Tory party, which, under Thatcher, called for a yes vote, now calls for a no. So does its new lunatic and xenophobic fringe, Ukip. In 1975, the yes campaign spent much more than the no. That may not happen again. All sorts of millionaires are throwing their ill-gotten gains at the no campaign. On the left, the bulk of the parliamentary Labour party (better known as the war party) is for a yes. Some trades unions are still doubtful, but the TUC general council is already starting to bow and scrape to Blair on the issue, and will probably end up snivelling surreptitiously for a yes.
In these circumstances it is vitally important that those of us on the left who want to vote no keep our distance from the rightwing campaign. Internationalists, socialists and greens who oppose the European constitution because it will drag us further down into the corporate whirlpool, emasculate trade unions and further deregulate an already rampant private enterprise, are a million miles away from the narrow nationalism of Michael Howard or Robert Jingo-Silk. We cover a wide spectrum. Even those who favour the mildest Keynesian economics, or the right to organise and strike against capital, or the right to speak out and vote for social democratic policies, will find themselves in opposition to the proposed constitution.
We must not allow our voices to be confused with the clamour of the Murdoch press. Our votes may end up in the same place, but the reasons for those votes need to be spelled out independently and separately...

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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

International Socialism #150 out now

The latest issue of International Socialism journal is out now, with articles including Nicolas De Genova on 'Towards a Marxist theory of borders', Megan Trudell on 'Sanders, Trump and the US working class', and Shaun Doherty on the Irish Easter Rising plus discussion of Podemos, Shakespeare, Pakistan, the German Revolution, and Marxism and women's liberation.


Monday, March 28, 2016

Marxism and History

The two classic essays by Chris Harman collected together in the very useful volume Marxism and History (1998) are now both freely available online at the Marxist Internet Archive - the 1986 essay Base and Superstructure (which drew comments in response from Colin Barker, Alex Callinicos and Duncan Hallas - you can also listen to a debate on the topic here) - and the 1989 essay From feudalism to capitalism . Those interested in further discussions of Marxism and History might also like to check out these two conferences coming up in London in late June / early July - 'Radical Histories' and 'Marxism 2016'.

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

The internationalist case against the EU

Alex Callinicos on why socialists and trade unionists should support a vote to leave the EU - in the upcoming EU Referendum but obviously not sharing a platform with the likes of 'poundshop Enoch Powell' Nigel Farage while doing so... see also the debates and other pieces collected together at the bottom of this page. As Charlie Kimber of the SWP notes, We hope others will join us in a campaign that is rooted in anti-capitalism, support for workers’ struggles and anti-racism. It is not too late for Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn to shrug off the pressure from the right and launch a left-wing leave campaign. It would condemn Cameron to defeat. Our campaign will say, “No to racism, open the borders, leave the EU”, and “Yes to workers’ unity everywhere, solidarity against neoliberalism and capitalism, leave the EU”. It will also say “No to Ukip and TTIP and the other neoliberal treaties, fight the bosses, leave the EU” and “Yes to real action over climate change, no trust in the bosses’ solutions, leave the EU”.

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Saturday, January 09, 2016

International Socialism #149 out now

The latest issue of International Socialism is now online, and while there is a host of material relating to Marxist theory and history, from debates about the level of class struggle in Britain to the struggle for climate justice, and discussion of figures from Erich Fromm to Leon Trotsky and E.P. Thompson, it leads with Mark L Thomas on the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn, while Jane Hardy looks at debates in radical and Marxist economics. Other key pieces include Anne Alexander writes on ISIS, imperialism and the war in Syria, and Alex Callinicos analyses the strategy and tactics for anti-imperialists in the West as they set about resisting the long war on 'terror' underway, in Britain through re-building the Stop the War Coalition. As he concludes:

One thing is clear, amid the chaos, confusion and bloodshed in the Middle East: imperialism is a key part of the problem there. The US, Britain, France, Russia and the rest, can do no good there. They should get out of the Middle East and leave its peoples to find their own way to the goals of democracy and social justice that inspired the revolutions of 2011. In the meantime, the task of the Western left is to rebuild the anti-war movement, and mobilise as many people as possible in a campaign to force our governments finally to end the long war.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Another World is Necessary - Marxism in Scotland 2015

Another World is Necessary - Marxism in Scotland 2015

Saturday 31 October, 10am-5.30pm

Renfield St Stephens, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP

A day of political debate, analysis and discussion on key questions including:

How can the left unite?

How do we challenge racism and scapegoating?

How can we build resistance to the Tories?

How do we win LGBT and women’s liberation?
What do socialists say about Europe?

Speakers include:

Gail Morrow
Anti Bedroom Tax Federation vice chair

Petros Constantinou
Athens councillor & founder member of KEERFA Greece anti-fascist movement

Judith Orr
author of Marxism & Women's Liberation

Laura Miles
author of Pride, Politics and Protest & UCU Left activist

Plus speakers from Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees and Glasgow home care strikers

Tickets: £3 unwaged, £5 student, £10 waged, free for refugees & asylum seekers

Hosted by the Socialist Workers Party

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Saturday, October 10, 2015

International Socialism # 148 out now

The latest issue of International Socialism is now out, highlights include Panos Garganas on the failure of Syriza, Alex Callinicos on the victory of Jeremy Corbyn) and pieces by Callinicos and John Palmer debating how British socialists should respond the upcoming EU referendum, Fran Cetti on Fortress Europe, Susanne Jeffrey's on capitalism and climate change, Joseph Choonara on Paul Mason's Postcapitalism, and John Newsinger on British counter-insurgency violence and state terror. The ISJ has also grouped together a useful set of theoretical articles for Black History Month - see here.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Revolutionaries and the Labour Party

 Phil Evans on the Labour Party and socialism

In 1982, at the height of 'Bennism', the late, great Marxist Duncan Hallas (1925-2002) - author of among other things a pamphlet on The Labour Party: Myth and Reality, wrote an important article for International Socialism on 'Revolutionaries and the Labour Party'.  As Hallas put it, 'the aim of this article is a modest one. It is to clarify the attitudes revolutionaries have taken towards the Labour Party, to review the experience and to assess the situation of today. In particular, the problem of what is called entrism – revolutionary organisations operating inside the Labour Party – is considered in some detail'.  Amidst the exciting rise of 'Corbynism', it may well repay re-reading by revolutionaries again today, not least as his conclusion retains its relevance:  'The task of revolutionary socialists is to face reality, to recognise things as they are, to fight very hard in support of all the struggles that do occur, to seek to increase their numbers and influence on that basis, to apply the united-front approach systematically and untiringly. It is also to patiently explain, to clarify what is and what is not revolutionary work. Both these tasks require a revolutionary party, operating openly under its own banner...'

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Leon Trotsky's relevance today

Leon Trotsky speaking in Copenhagen in 1932 (photo: Robert Capa)

As the Jeremy Corbyn campaign continues to strike fear into the hearts of the Labour Party grandees and bureaucracy, who have in characteristic Stalinist fashion prosecuted what has been dubbed 'Operation Icepick' to purge the lists of those eligible to vote in the Labour Party leadership election of 'Trotskyists', it is perhaps worth revisiting the political thought of the original victim of 'Operation Icepick', Leon Trotsky himself, given this week marks the 75th anniversary of his murder at the hands of a Stalinist agent. Sue Caldwell, who incidentally once wrote a wonderful introductory guide to chess which taught me the little I know about strategy and tactics in that game, has written a timely short piece - online here in this week's Socialist Worker which does just that.  It is important to pay tribute to Trotsky, who was not only the heroic sword of the Russian Revolution and the shield against the Stalinist counter-revolution until his tragic murder, but also a revolutionary whose political and intellectual thought as a Marxist was so original and outstanding it retains relevance in the 21st century.  And as Caldwell rightly notes,
'It’s never easy to get the correct balance right between working with and against reformists and their leaders.
Revolutionaries have to stand with them to defend working class organisation against the bosses and fascists. But it’s also crucial that revolutionaries argue against them sowing illusions in reformism and build a revolutionary alternative. For example, we welcome left reformist parties such as Syriza, Podemos and the momentum around the Jeremy Corbyn campaign.  These can push politics to the left. But only the working class has the power to transform society. '

Some suggested further reading on Trotsky:

A Rebel's Guide to Trotsky - Esme Choonara

Trotsky's Marxism - Duncan Hallas

Tony Cliff's four volume biography of Trotsky is also now online - see here.

Edited to add: Speaking of Trotsky and today, what would he have made of the contemporary Black Lives Matter' in the US?  Well, we know he was a more profound thinker about race in the US than he is often given credit for, but Paul Buhle (for a recent interview with Buhle by the way, see here) has also recently suggested that, via the writings of the then Trotskyist C.L.R. James and with the help of the Harlem lawyer and also then a Trotskyist Conrade Lynn Malcolm X read and studied 'The Revolutionary Answer to the Negro Problem in the United States' (1948) which represented the best analysis of the American Trotskyist movement on race at that time,while Malcolm was in prison in the early 1950s.  So not only would Trotsky have welcomed the new Black Lives Matter movement, but perhaps the intellectual origins of the Black Lives Matter movement - via Malcolm X and C.L.R. James - may owe something to the inspiring life and work of Trotsky...

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Marx and Engels papers online

Thanks to the International Institute of Social History

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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

The Spectre of Corbynism

Is #JeremyCorbynforLabourLeader the way forward for the Left?

 A spectre is haunting British politics – the spectre of Corbynism.  Not the spectre of Communism as such – but merely of social democracy – which was supposed to have been killed off and left for dead amidst the triumph of Thatcherism ('There is no alternative') and then Thatcher's greatest achievement -  Blairism – now its suddenly back from the dead thanks to the campaign for Labour leader of Jeremy Corbyn MP.

 No wonder Blair and the Blairites are so angry and taking this so personally – his whole project and that of his supporters looks as if it is heading towards the 'dustbin of history'. Ironically it was Ed Miliband’s changes to way of electing the Labour leadership – which was supposed to have been about reducing trade union influence in the party – the same influence which saw Ed Miliband triumph unexpectedly against the odds over his brother – that is making the Corbyn victory seem possible.  Ed Miliband's idea here was essentially a Blairite one – be more like US Democratic Party – sign up lots of supporters – the thinking is these supporters will be ‘ordinary people’ who are not left wing troublemakers but believe the everyday common sense views of the bourgeois Daily Mail – and so Labour will ensure it gets a more ‘electable’ leader –one more acceptable to the right wing owners of the corporate media.

 This strategy almost worked out fine for the Blairites, as in the immediate aftermath of the election the discourse of the corporate media was highly depressing – hammering Miliband's Labour for somehow being too 'left wing' – and there was a narrative and consensus in play about the need for Labour and British politics in general to move further to the right.  Andy Burnham made his first major tactical mistake here in the run for Labour leader - he could have tacked a little Left at this point (instead he tacked right appointing the Blairite Rachel Reeves to a key position in his team), so opening the door for the unexpected triumph that was Jeremy Corbyn getting onto the ballot paper representing a clear voice against austerity, racism and war.  As Corbyn put it in a recent interview:

 'And my strong view is that we lost in 2015 particularly, but also in 2010, because essentially we were offering people slightly less hardship than the other side was offering people. It wasn’t very attractive to a lot of Labour voters. Compounded by the vote on the welfare bill, this has put Labour on the wrong side of the feelings not just of the people on benefits or who might be on benefits but a lot of other people who think, ‘Actually, there’s a lot of poverty in our society, which the Labour Party should be concerned about.’”

 So many bourgeois commentators (and those supposedly on the pseudo left - the Guardian / New Statesman types) have written off the material experience of the working class – the poverty and inequality and insecurity affecting the vast majority of British society - the working class  – they just can’t explain the popularity of the Corbyn phenomenon at all – its all a bit like the Bob Dylan song – Ballad of a Thin Man - ‘Something is happening here/ But you don't know what it is/ Do you, Mr. Jones?’

 Instead they just give repeated patronising lectures like Labour members and supporters are little children - get sober, get realistic, get a heart transplant etc etc - but for those on the receiving end of the austerity and billion pound cuts of the Tories – and with working class struggle so low and so people not feeling confident about fighting back themselves through strike action etc - it is not surprising that Corbyn's campaign is seen as source of hope. Hence the incredible and exciting level of support for Corbyn among trade unionists (and even more  reluctant trade union leaders)- winning the backing of UNITE – UNISON – CWU – and most constituency Labour parties etc.  The huge swell of support for Corbyn - seen at the mass rallies he is currently speaking at around the country - is potentially the most exciting thing to happen to the Left in Britain for about 30 years –and opens up all sorts of fascinating questions about possible realignments on the Left – will everyone on the Left flood back to the Labour party now if he wins (as George Galloway predicts) – even in Scotland, does a Corbyn win mean Labour will have the chance to rebuild?

 Remember - according to some on the Left, for example Richard Seymour - Labour is supposed to be dead, 'Pasokified' etc - and we are all supposed to be at our most miserable and pessimistic about things right now - yet everyone you meet on the Left is at the moment more optimistic and excited about the prospects of a Corbyn victory than they have been for ages.  This is partly of course because of the personal Corbyn factor – without the charisma and oratorical powers of a Galloway or a Benn, but with consistency, courage and a lack of egotism which is very refreshing - and his tireless activism together with the fact he is one of the most principled socialist Labour MPs means everyone on the Left should hope for his win, which would be inspiration and symbol of hope and resistance for many millions of people.

 At a time when David Cameron's racist scapegoating of the ‘swarm’ of refugees at Calais is sickening anti-racists everywhere - see Frankie Boyle's brilliant recent column about this in the Guardian - , you know that Corbyn's record of not only anti-imperialism but also anti-racism means that he will always stand out against such filthy rhetoric and defend the rights of refugees. Electing Corbyn - the current president of the Stop the War Coalition - leader would be just about the only thing Labour could do to wash off all the blood stains left because of Blair’s warmongering – at one fell swoop they could win back millions of voters who could never stomach voting Labour again because of their war crimes.  And indeed what we are seeing primarily with the Corbyn campaign is the five million Labour voters and 200,000 odd Labour members which Blair and Brown lost from 1997 to 2010 with their privatisations and warmongering coming back around Labour. Andy Burnham, a former Blairite who described Blair as ‘my mate’ in 2006 is trying to pretend he is some sort of Left wing figure now, but as Tony Benn once said of Jack Straw, 'he is like a little weather-cock – he blows with every wind’.   Burnham’s possibly fatal error for someone who was supposedly somehow left recently was to follow Harriet Harman’s call for abstention in the fact of the Tories attack on welfare – redistricuting wealth from very poorest in society to their rich friends – followed by the other two Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall and four fifths of Labour MPs.

 So the battle is now on as it were for the ‘soul’ of the Labour party – and the possibility of civil war inside of Labour if Corbyn does win.  Labour has 232 MPs, and only nine are members of the Socialist Campaign Group to which Corbyn belongs.  Corbyn only got onto the ballot paper with help of right-wingers, many of whom now regret giving their support to him.  The weakness of Labour Left - compared to what it was in the late 1970s and early 1980s around Bennism is palpable.  Only 9 Labour MPs in Ed Miliband's Labour Party opposed his Libya war – even less than the 12 under Brown who called for an inquiry into the Iraq war.  Only 7 Labour MPs I think voted for Diane Abbott for Labour leader last time around. So should socialists - like myself, a member of the SWP - who are currently outside the Labour party now join or rejoin to play their part in the struggle to 'reclaim Labour'?

I think there are some basic points to make:

 1) Only a sectarian idiot would not welcome the mass Corbyn campaign as a sign of support for left ideas and the potential for resistance – and the revival of the Labour Left as an organised force again -  even if this means things are in a sense more difficult for those of us on the revolutionary left trying to build a socialist alternative to Labour in things like TUSC and Left Unity.

 2)  But we have to say some other things as well, which hopefully explain why SWP members like myself are not going to join the Labour party now to vote for Corbyn ourselves. Without wanting to 'pre-write' history (which is what I may will be accused of doing anyway), as Marxists - who aim to theorise and generalise from the historic experience of the working class - we can it seems safely make some points of warning here, given the Labour Party has been around for over 100 years. There are incidentally some clear parallels here - when thinking about reform or revolution - with the situation in Greece around Syriza - we in the SWP were denounced for stressing the importance of maintaining organisational independence from Syriza in things like Antarsya (I was personally denounced for writing 'stark morality fables' by Seymour for not cheerleading the Syriza leadership's every twist and turn), only to be vindicated somewhat when the reformist strategy of trying to work within the neoliberal capitalist prison of the EU failed and Syriza's leadership ended up implementing austerity and cuts despite being officially 'anti-austerity'.  Given this - the main problem it seems to me around Corbynism is the question:

3) How would Corbyn actually implement his moderate programme of social reform and end austerity? Already just by his being ahead in the leadership polls, he has increasingly come under pressure from the right inside the parliamentary Labour party- and in the face of this pressure his strategy at the moment is to compromise and equivocate rather than offer resistance.  For example over the EU where Corbyn was initially ambivalent but is now more clearly situating himself in the 'Yes' camp to stay and try and reform it (ala Syriza) rather than arguing for a 'Left Brexit' (which would worry the big sections of the British capitalist class even more than his campaign is already doing).  He has also called for Labour Party Unity and offered to give Blairites positions in his Shadow Cabinet to try and avoid the danger of (perhaps inevitable) internal civil war.  All this he has done - and he has not yet even won the position of Labour leader yet!

 If he won, these pressures to be ‘electable’ – moderate his programme - would grow and become more intense – as would the general pressures to compromise – and to not have a fight and try and clear the Blairite bureaucrats out of the party apparatus or reselect etc not have campaign to try and reselect the worst of the right wing Labour MPs.  Perhaps he will try to 'reclaim Labour' in his own way, and try to challenge the right inside Labour - but ultimately Corbyn is a Labour Party man – that’s his party – and I think ideally he would want to be a 'unifier' as leader – not someone who went on the offensive and tried to drive out the Blairites in the ruthless manner that they would need to be purged. Incidentally, there has never been a mass purge of the right wing of the Labour Party in any organised fashion in its history - only ever expulsions of the Left.

For Corbyn to resist the right and stay on track would need a counter-veiling pressure to his Left which is as strong or stronger than that on his right (the Blairites and corporate media).  Only mass collective struggle on the streets and more importantly in the workplaces could provide such pressure.   The student revolt of 2010 and the mass strikes and marches of 2011 gave momentum to an anti-Tory mood in Britain. Workers’ sense of solidarity and confidence grew.  But the choking off of the strikes by trade union and Labour leaders eroded the feeling of collective revolt, and in its place came the pressures of individualism and hesitation about following a Labour Party that seemed scared of any real change – that ultimately was a large part I think of why Labour lost earlier this year.

But even say that Corbyn victory triggered a rise in confidence and militancy on the streets and at work - and every socialist has to sincerely passionately hope that it does, which would help to make the TUC demonstration in Manchester on Sunday 4 October at Tory Party conference mammoth – and the trade union leaders can no longer hold back the latent anger at what the Tories are doing that they had to lead and organise a serious fight back – and then a Corbyn–led Labour did win in 2020 – what then?

 Here we return to the main problem with all forms of left reformism – putting parliament – or as the Labour Left MP Eric Heffer once put it – the 'class struggle in parliament' – first – and the class struggle at the point of production, or the movement on the streets, below that somewhere.  Corbyn himself is of course an activist – but remember when the anti-war movement was at its height – he could have left Blair's Labour Party and joined with Respect and Galloway, then stood for his old seat as a socialist with much more room for manoeuvre to build the extraparliamentary movement and freedom to criticise the Blairites – but he didn’t do this.  I don't know why not, but my guess is that there was always the chance that by doing this he would lose – so he put being MP and being in parliament first.  That’s fine and respectable in its own way – that’s because his vision of change is socialism coming through parliament from above - fine, but lets not try to pretend he is some sort of revolutionary.  As he himself made it clear on the Andrew Marr show, the Labour Party is not a 'revolutionary party'.

Still, a Corbyn led government on the face of it now would still be amazing – it would be the best chance of breaking the cycle of every Labour government since 1945 being worse than last one because of their commitment to imperialism abroad and making cuts at home - and making ordinary people pay for the wider crisis of British capitalism. The problem of course is, if he won, Corbyn would be in office as PM – but not in power, because power does not lie in parliament - and he would still have the wider capitalist crisis to content with. As Charlie Kimber pointed out in Socialist Worker recently, 'The state structures of the police, army, judges, prisons and spies are wholly insulated from democracy. They exist to thwart change, not enable it.  The unelected and unaccountable owners of capital will use their financial and social power to block reforms that threaten business. They will use global institutions to bully governments, they will engineer currency panics, choke off credit and funds or withdraw investment and close factories. And if none of that works [and it usually does – look at Syriza in Greece] they will use violence to defend their rule. Only by tackling the system at its roots can such blackmail be defeated.  The history of Labour is a history of betrayed hope because the party seeks change without challenging capitalism or the state.'

The dilemma was well summed up by the German trade union leader Fritz Tarnow at the height of the Great Depression in 1931:

 ‘Are we sitting at the sick-bed of capitalism, not only as doctors who want to cure their patient, but as prospective heirs who cannot wait for the end or would like to hasten it by administering poison? We are condemned, I think, to be doctors who seriously wish a cure, and yet we have to retain the feeling that we are heirs who wish to receive the entire legacy of the capitalist system today rather than tomorrow. This double role, doctor and heir, is a damned difficult task.' 

As Tarnow makes clear, Labour governments and their counterparts elsewhere have always resolved this dilemma by acting as doctors of capitalism, trying to rescue it at the expense of their working class supporters.  As Tony Benn used to put it, 'the Labour Party is not a socialist party – but it always had socialists in it - like there are some Christians in the Church of England' - instead, it is as Lenin put it, a ‘capitalist workers’ party’, which emerged as a political expression of the trade union bureaucracy, and which pursues workers’ interests so long as they are compatible with the well-being of capitalism.   As Lenin once put it, Labour is tied by a thousand threads to capitalism.

 Even if Corbyn cut some of these threads- or threatened to do so - he could not change the fundamental nature of the party as a whole, and would in all likelihood end up a prisoner of it - trapped and unable to manouevre by the Labour right (who may also split off to form a new SDP type party to try and stop him ever become elected).

 Ed Miliband's dad Ralph Miliband – the great Marxist thinker and author of the classic work Parliamentary Socialism – analysed and dissected the resulting ideology of Labourism – which he noted was something distinct from socialism.  As Ralph noted in Parliamentary Socialism (1961),  -‘of political parties claiming socialism to be their aim, the Labour Party has always been one of the most dogmatic – not about socialism, but about the parliamentary system.  Empirical and flexible about all else, its leaders have always made devotion to that system their fixed point of reference and the conditioning factor of the political behaviour.’

 In 1976 in his essay ‘Moving On’, Ralph Miliband stressed the need for building a socialist alternative to the Labour Party – as he wrote: ‘my own view, often reiterated, is that the belief in the effective transformation of the labour party into an instrument of socialist policies is the most crippling of all illusions to which socialists in Britain have been prone’ – Those who had hopes of capturing and reclaiming the Labour Party for socialism were to be disappointed – as he noted ‘the obverse phenomonen has very commonly occurred – namely the capturing of the militants by the labour party’  - ‘people on the left who have set out with the intention of transforming the labour party have more often than not ended up being transformed by it, in the sense that they have been caught up in its rituals and rhythms, in ineffectual resolution-mongering exercises, in the resigned habituation to the unacceptable, even in the cynical acceptance and even expectation of betrayal’.
There is a real danger that Corbyn’s campaign can turn people back to the worm-eaten project of transforming Labour, reminding one of the Leonard Cohen song First We Take Manhattan, ‘they sentenced me to twenty years of boredom – for trying to change the system from within’.  The reformist road ultimately does not lead to socialism, albeit at a slower and more genteel pace, but it leads somewhere else entirely - trying to defend and manage a failing bankrupt capitalist system. 

Again Ralph Miliband, in his 1972 postscript Parliamentary Socialism, with which I shall conclude: 'The Labour Party … is a party of modest social reform in a capitalist system within whose confines it is ever more firmly and by now irrevocably rooted.  The system badly needs such a party, since it plays a major role in the management of discontent and helps to keep it within safe bounds; and the fact that the Labour Party proclaims itself at least once every five years but much more often as well to be committed not merely to the modest amelioation of capitalist society but to its wholesale transformation, to a just social order, to a classless society, to a new Britain, and whatever not, does not make it less but more useful in the preservation of the existing social order.  The absence of a viable socialist alternative is no reason for resigned acceptance or for the perpetuation of hopes which have no basis in political reality.  On the contrary, what it requires is to begin preparing the ground for the coming into being of such an alternative: and one of the indispensable elements of that process is the dissipation of paralysing illusions about the true purpose and role of the Labour Party’.

We need to build an alternative to Labour - and a mass revolutionary socialist party.  This is how Ralph Miliband put it in his Socialist Advance in Britain (1983):

 ''Socialist work means something different for a socialist party than the kind of political activity inscribed in the perspectives of labourism. I have noted earlier that political work, for labourism, essentially means short periods of great political activity for local and parliamentary elections, with long periods of more or less routine party activity in between. Socialist work means intervention in all the many different areas of life in which class struggle occurs: for class struggle must be taken to mean not only the permanent struggle between capital and labour, crucial though that remains, but the struggle against racial and sex discrimination, the struggle against arbitrary state and police power, the struggle against the ideological hegemony of the conservative forces, and the struggle for new and radically different defence and foreign policies.  The slogan of the first Marxist organisation in Britain, the Social Democratic Federation, founded in 1884, was ‘Educate, Agitate, Organise’. It is also a valid slogan for the 1980s and beyond. A socialist party could, in the coming years, give it more effective meaning than it has ever had in the past.''

 Edited to add: A recent interview with Jeremy Corbyn and a piece by Alex Callinicos on What will happen if Jeremy Corbyn does win?

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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

International Socialism #147 out now

The latest issue of International Socialism is out now, with pieces including analysis of the British general election by Alex Callinicos, Gareth Jenkins and Despina Karayianni on Greece under Tsipras - highly topical given the recent impressive and inspiring No vote, and a host of other wide-ranging articles and goodies it is difficult to do justice to at the moment - given I am about to go off to protest myself at George Osbourne's Tory budget - and say 'Oxi to Osbourne!'

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Marxism 2015 - Ideas for Revolution

Marxism 2015: Ideas for revolution
A five day political festival: 9-13 July 2015, Central London
Book up - Just over one week to go!
New meeting: Tackling the Racist Offensive
Sat 11th July, 7pm
Marxism Festival is very pleased to announce that Diane Abbott MP will speak alongside Sabby Dhalu and Weyman Bennett (Joint Secretaries of Unite Against Fascism, pc) at this new meeting at Marxism.
Meetings on Greece at Marxism 2015
The crisis in Greece poses sharp questions for the left.
Don’t miss our special debate:
Syriza in power: Whither Greece?
With Stathis Kouvelakis (Syriza Central Committee) and Alex Callinicos (SWP)
Sat 11th July, 2pm 
  • Greece: keeping the hope for change alive
With Panos Garganas (SEK)
Sunday 12 July, 2pm
  • The fight against Golden Dawn in Greece
With Petros Constantinou (Athens Councillor and co-ordinator of the Movement Against Racism and the Fascist Threat) and Kostas Papadakis (part of the legal team representing the victims of Nazi attacks at the trial of Golden Dawn)
Saturday 11th July, 11.45am
  • Fighting the Troika and austerity across Europe
Maria Styllou from Greece will peak alongside Richard Boyd Barrett from Ireland and Christine Buccholz from Germany
Sunday 12th July, 3.45pm
Plus Panos Garganas will join the Marxism opening rally on Thurs 9th July at 7pm

Other meetings at Marxism 2015
  • After Kobane and the general election: where now for Turkey and the Kurds
 Ron Marguilies will be joined by HDP MP Sebahat Tuncel
Sat 11th July, 7pm (the time of this meeting may change – please check our website)
  • Orgreave: the search for the truth
Gareth Peirce and Mike McColgan from the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign
Sun 12th July, 3.45pm
  • The story behind Pride
With Nicola Field and Gethin Roberts, original members of LGSM
Sun 12th July, 7pm.
And if you missed Pride at the cinemas there is chance to watch the film afterwards.
  • Darcus Howe, broadcaster and civil liberties campaigner discusses his political life with his biographers Robin Bunce and Paul Field

The final timetable for Marxism 2015 will be on line from tomorrow . . . to book tickets and for more information go to www.marxismfestival.org.uk or call us on 020 7819 1190

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