Friday, February 03, 2017

Deep political divisions in the American classroom

I have been teaching since 1988, but I have never seen such deep political divisions in the classroom. The two sides seem ready for a fight. Liberals are convinced that Trump was installed by Putin, while conservatives are convinced that millions voted illegally. It helps my role in the classroom that I am not invested in either party.

This sign was posted today on the glass of a restaurant in Prague.

What I respect about Western governments is that promotion of Democracy is the determinant of their foreign policy

See here.

Can someone tell Bassem Youssef to stop trying to be funny, please?

Look how he ended this segment about prejudice against Arabs in the US.

How to apply the Muslim Ban in the US

I have a childhood friend who was attending the University of Tennessee during the Iran hostage crisis. He was confronted by a group of hoodlums outside the school, and they started to beat him up. He tried hard to explain that he was Arab and not Iranians but they would only say: you all are the same. It does not matter.  

Jordanian buffoonish king puffing up his chest at the Pentagon (this picture is from a different angle)

Repression in Jordan: a young man arrested for writing the word "revolution" on Facebook

A man called for the boycott of goods to protest high prices. But he wrote the word "revolution" and for that he was arrested.

The Muslim Ban

Because Arab embassies now control the various Arab-American and Muslim-American organizations in DC, they have been quite quiet about the ban.

Muslim Brotherhood can't be said to be non-violent

I am not in favor of banning the Muslim Brotherhood, naturally, when the terrorist organization, known as Friends of the Israeli terrorist army is legal in the US.  But it is not accurate to suggest that the Muslim Brotherhood is non-violent.  It has been quite active through armed groups in Syria, having renounced violence in previous years. So their declarations can't be said to be truthful.  And the Brotherhood is also active through armed groups in Libya.  As for the fact that the Brotherhood spawned a variety of Jihadi groups, it is a fact.  

When Sheikh Mo of Dubai feels very white

PS There is a family of birds residing in the hate of the wife (number 3).

Israel firms in the Saudi Arabia

Read here.

The second most boring book of all time will be published

Yesterday, I wrote about the most boring book of all time, to be written by John Kerry. Now, Hillary Clinton is writing a book. Judging by her previous books, I guarantee that it will be the second most boring books of all time.  If a speaker can't hold the audience's attention (and she could not throughout the campaign), the writing will be even worse.

Terrorism and the 7 countries

According to Trump, Christian refugees have not been allowed into the US in recent years

The 8-year-old terrorist killed by the SEALs

"The senior military official said the 8-year-old girl, Nawar al-Awlaki, also known as Nora, was among the noncombatants killed in the raid, which also resulted in the death of several Yemeni women." "They [the SEALs] entered another house and killed everybody in it, including all the women. They burned the house. There is an assumption there was a woman [in the house] from Saudi Arabia who was with al Qaeda. All we know is that she was a children's teacher." "The raid, said the official, was directed from a U.S. base in Djibouti, across the Gulf of Aden from the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula and the western edge of Yemen."

Where is the outrage?

"Just over a year after saying “you have to take out” the families of terrorists, Donald Trump killed Nora al-Awlaki, an 8-year-old American girl, in his firstJSOC operation." "Nora was shot in the neck. According to her grandfather, she bled for more than two hours without medical assistance before she died. Where is the outrage?"

Badly burned child's surgery interrupted due to Muslim ban

" “Dilbreen, at the age of about a year and a half, was severely burned,” said Carrie Schuchardt from House of Peace in Ipswich. After a heater exploded in the Iraqi refugee camp where he was sleeping, the British-based organization Road to Peace got two travel visas and rushed the boy to Shriner’s Hospital in Boston along with his father." "Dilbreen was set for a second surgery this month. His family was set to stay at the Peace House in Ipswich. Then they got the news their visas were suddenly revoked."

Why Trump has so much in common with Netanyahu

"Zoabi said that Trump’s ban on people from some Muslim countries entering the US was a dangerous formalisation of Islamophobia. “This hatred is nothing new, it’s part of the culture, but now it’s being turned into policy. It’s becoming part of the norm that you can talk with hatred about Muslims without feeling any shame,” she said." (thanks Amir)

There are six Arab-American members of US House of Representatives

Five are Lebanese-American and one is Palestinian-American.  All five Lebanese supported the Muslim Ban while the Palestinian-American (a Republican, mind you) opposed the ban.

This is how the New York Times described the buffoonish King of Jordan

"one of the most respected leaders of the Arab world".  I mean, if they mean that he is the most admired in Israel, then yes. But in the Arab world?  In fact, I would say this potentate is the most ignored and the most insignificant of all Arab rulers.  He is so unmentioned by Arabs on social media except when he is mocked.  

Today in his tweets, Donald Trump condemned "professional anarchists".

It is now personal.

I detest Trump but...

I have been telling my students this semester, that the liberal media bias in the last year is like nothing I have seen since I came to the US.  It is like a regime media in any authoritarian country.  

Democratic bias of the media

The Democratic bias of the media goes way too far when they present Bill Clinton as a loving and considerate husband.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Saudi regime media are really a class act

Al-Arabiyya (the sleazy TV news station owned by King Salman and his sons) aired a report on politicians as they looked at women's behinds.  

Strong reaction from Iraqi prime minister to US ban on Iraqis

In response to the ban, Abadi received the US ambassador and US general and expressed his love and admiration. This is a man who has self-respect--just like all US puppets in the region.

Anti-Islam bigot, Thomas Friedman

Islam has that problem as much as Judaism and Christianity: "Islam does have problems with gender and religious pluralism, and integration in Western societies. Ignoring that is reckless."  Given the political pro-Democrat bias of the US media, if some Republican of Trump official wrote this, the media would have declared him a racist.

Thomas Friedman found the best people to solve US crisis

He appeals to...corporate America. I am not making this up.

Notice that New York Times does not consider pro-Trump Gulf potentates as "authoritarian"

Read here the Zionist account.

UAE tyrant parrots Trump

"There are attempts to give the impression that this decision is directed against a particular religion, but what proves this talk to be incorrect first is what the U.S. administration itself says ... that this decision is not directed at a certain religion."

Gulf and Arab Despots' silent/support for Muslim ban

"Saudi Arabia's King Salman spoke to Trump by telephone on Sunday but neither side said whether the travel ban was discussed. United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed said on Wednesday it was a "sovereign decision" for the United States and not directed at any religion. Some Gulf officials even backed it openly. Dhahi Khalfan, a senior Dubai police official, tweeted on Monday "complete support" for Trump's ban. "Every country has the right to protect its security ... Trump, what you're doing is right." " (thanks Basim)

How low can Human Rights Watch sink in its propaganda?

The director of Middle East at HRW posted this video on Twitter. The video ostensibly shows Hizbullah fighters being taught to speak Syrian accent--as if Hizbullah's thousands of fighters are in Syria in secret.  I mean, I am familiar with HRW's promotion of Syrian rebel's propaganda (and this one is even old one), but come on.
Sarah Leah Whitson (@sarahleah1)
could be SNL skit as #Syria journo schools Lebanese Hezbollah fighter how to sound like a Syrian for…

US-armed "moderate" Syrian rebels join Al-Qaeda

"Jabhat Fatah al-Sham announced this week that it was merging with four rebel factions: Nour al-Din al-Zinki, Liwa al-Haq, the Jabhat Ansar al-Din, and Jaish al-Sunna. Nour al-Din al-Zinki has long been described as a major "moderate" rebel group. It was approved by the CIA and received TOW anti-tank missiles from the U.S. Al-Zinki entered the public spotlight in July for releasing a video in which it beheaded a teenager with a knife."

Arab potentates and Trump

Saudi Arabia: Silent on MuslimBan
UAE: Defends ban
Kuwait: Holds Trump Hotel event, adopts ban
Bahrain: Holds Trump Hotel event, silent (thanks Amir)

Yemeni protest

Look at this guy: he is upset that African are upset over the racism of ICC

Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth)
Behind supposed African Union strategy to withdraw from the ICC was in fact much dissent and no real strategy.

Who leaked the news of the US raid in Yemen to Al-Qa`idah?

My suspicion is that the UAE military was the one who leaked the story, as they were (unprecedented) invited to join the raid, despite the longstanding links between UAE royalty with Bin Laden and Al-Qa`idah.

At least Democrats and Republicans (not to mention liberal media), agree on their support for this royal buffoon

The misspelling of Trump's name in Arabic

All Arabic media--without exception--are misspelling--or mistransliterating--the name of Trump in Arabic, spelling as ترامب , which translates as Tramp in English.   It should be تْرَمْبْ.

Saudi intellectual, Khalid Ad-Dakhil says: the worst 3 US presidents in foreign policy in history

خالد الدخيل (@kdriyadh2/1/17, 11:49 PM
‏منذ عام ٢٠٠٠ تعاقب على البيت الأبيض أسوأ رؤساء اميركا في السياسة الخارجية: ج بوش، ب اوباما، والآن ترمب. هذه سابقة في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة.

"Since 2000, the worst American presidents in foreign policy ruled in succession: Bush, Obama, and now Trump.  Unprecedented in US history".

This is a typical Zionist doctrine: that anti-Semites should be excused if they are pro-Israel

Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan)
Trump's the most pro-Israel president America's ever had.
This debate is perfect illustration of hysteria clouding reality.…

I have never seen Jon Stewart being unfunny...until now

Hollywood is so eager to go after Trump that anything is funny to them these days if politically convenient.  

How Western (and Gulf regimes) media work these days about Iran or Hizbullah

So this Lebanese columnist in the dying (and legally challenged) sectarian, right-wing, racist (against Syrian people and Palestinian people) An-Nahar (which now relies on sleaze on its website to stay afloat) wrote an article about something. His name is Sarkis Na`um and he started his career by writing whatever `Abdul-Halim Khaddam told him.  That was his cashes.  In the last decade, he now cites every week "experts" (always unnamed) but he describes them thus: "serious" "very serious" "real expert" and some are "former official" in one of the four agencies of governments in the US.  Basically, National Inquirer journalism.  So he wrote an article this week, citing--as usual--"an expert from Asia".  The whole article was the musings of this expert who at one point talked about Qasim Sulaymani visiting EAST BEIRUT--mind you--to meet Michel Awn--and citing "Saudi sources".  Western Zionists today are circulating the story and citing "a prominent Lebanese newspaper".  Gulf media then cited the Western media citing the Lebanese newspaper citing Sarkis Na`um, citing the Asian expert, citing unnamed Saudi sources.  You see why I now say the difference between Gulf regimes media and Western media is tiny? 

The hypocrisy of Hollywood

"After Vanessa Redgrave, a supporter of Palestinian rights, deplored “Zionist hoodlums” while accepting her Oscar in 1978, the screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky drew hearty applause for upbraiding “people exploiting the occasion of the Academy Awards for the propagation of their own personal political propaganda.” Boos rained down on Michael Moore, winner of the 2003 documentary prize, for tearing into George W. Bush’s newly started Iraq war. Getting political at the Oscars was risky, and the assorted causes were always scattershot."

I promise you: this will be the most boring book EVER published

I can't wait to not read it.

The quality of anti-Trump humor on US TV is terrible

Is this supposed to be late night comedy? It is jarringly unfunny.