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About the PBF

Agreements for peace

Bringing people and Governments together

Peace Dividends

Creating economic opportunities

Peace Dividends

Rebuilding services for citizens
Preventing a relapse into violent conflict

The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) is currently supporting more than 120 projects in 25 countries by delivering fast, flexible and relevant funding. Since its creation to the end of 2015, PBF has allocated $623 million to 33 countries to help prevent (re)lapse into conflict and sustain peace.

Following a request from the General Assembly and the Security Council, the Secretary-General established a Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) for post-conflict peacebuilding initiatives in October 2006. The PBF constitutes an essential component of the enhanced UN architecture to provide for a more sustained engagement in support of countries emerging from conflict and will support peacebuilding activities which directly contribute to post-conflict stabilization and strengthen the capacity of Governments, national/local institutions and transitional or other relevant authorities.

Click here to access a brochure on PBF: PBF at a Glance [Arabic | English | French]

Click here to access a brief document on the PBF’s niche and added value [English]


The PBF is a global fund designed to support several country situations simultaneously and therefore combines the scope of a global fund with the country-specific focus of a multi-donor trust fund. The Fund addresses immediate needs in countries emerging from conflict at a time when sufficient resources are not available from other funding mechanisms and will support interventions of direct and immediate relevance to the peacebuilding process and contribute towards addressing critical gaps in that process. It focuses on delivering services in the very early stages of a peacebuilding process, before donor conferences are organized and such funding mechanisms as country-specific multi-donor trust funds have been set up.

Additionally, there may be specific instances in which the PBF may meaningfully extend support to countries at a more advanced stage of their peacebuilding process, in particular to countries for which no multi-donor trust fund has been established and to countries with an operational multi-donor trust fund but in which critical peacebuilding interventions remain under-funded or in which the need for such interventions arises unexpectedly. The use of PBF resources is meant to catalyze and encourage longer term engagements by development agencies and bilateral donors.

The PBF extends fast, relevant and catalytic support to countries and has so far garnered $400 [1] million, from which it is funding 193 projects in 22 countries. These projects cover a wide range of areas, such as supporting national peace dialogues, promoting community reconciliation, strengthening the rule of law, reforming the security sector, supporting disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, providing economic stimulus for community businesses and addressing youth unemployment.

The PBF is managed, on behalf of the United Nations Secretary-General, by the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, supported by the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO). The UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF Office) is the PBF fund administrator.

The PBF relies upon voluntary contributions from Member States, organizations and individuals. Its Guidelines were revised in 2009 to ensure it can respond to real needs and make a difference in the lives of people in countries emerging from conflict.

[1] As of September 2011

Key Initiative


The PBF aims to contribute to gender equality by increasing the participation of women in political processes, strengthen their voices in post-conflict planning processes and address their specific post-conflict needs.

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Key Figures
Key Figures Chart