Michael KoziolCuenta verificada


Federal politics reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age | Look at the sky and spot the planes | michael.koziol@fairfaxmedia.com.au

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Se unió en diciembre de 2009

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  1. hace 6 horas

    Within last 30 mins we have received confirmation from Australia that the patient will be airlifted. Expected tomorrow. Statement soon

  2. hace 6 horas

    Moonlight was a lovely film by the way, with a clever premise and never overplaying its hand

  3. hace 8 horas

    Hard to disagree with Bob Carr: the Yanks have really shanked it, US won't return to global leadership role via

  4. hace 9 horas
  5. hace 12 horas
  6. hace 12 horas

    "We had frank and forthright discussions" is the new "it was a robust debate"

  7. hace 12 horas

    Turnbull: The call ended curtiously. Interviewer: Was the call cut short? Turnbull: It ended curtiously. That's all I want to say about that

  8. hace 13 horas

    Turnbull: "This is not a deal that [Trump] would have done or one that he would regard as a good deal ... but he has given that commitment."

  9. hace 13 horas

    Turnbull: He committed to stick to the deal done by his predecessor. I've made the case as powerfully and persuasively as I can.

  10. hace 13 horas

    Turnbull on : "The report that the president hung up is not correct. It was ended curtiously."

  11. hace 13 horas

    Maybe the PM should see if Greg Norman can help...

  12. hace 13 horas

    CNN saying it has independently verified WaPo's claims about the hostility of the call - oh and here's live from Canberra!

  13. hace 14 horas

    10am: White House says Trump considering deal 11am: State Dept says deal's on 2pm: US Embassy says deal's on 3pm: Trump says he'll study it

  14. hace 14 horas
  15. hace 14 horas

    I'll also put it out there: if anyone at DFAT or elsewhere has audio of the Trump/Turnbull call, do get in touch.

  16. hace 15 horas

    ICYMI the White House only just put out a statement saying Trump is "still considering" whether to honour the deal

  17. hace 16 horas

    Turnbull has read the story and doesn't deny it. "You've seen reports of [the conversation], I'm not going to add to them."

  18. hace 17 horas

    Turnbull: I'm not going to comment on the conversation, but the president assured me he would honour the deal

  19. hace 17 horas

    This is totally our Hugh Grant v. Billy Bob Thornton moment with the US

  20. hace 17 horas

    Trump reportedly told Turnbull he was seeking to export the "next Boston bombers" to the US (via )

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