
Josephine Tovey

Josephine Tovey is a New York-based reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

Prime Minister Malcolm Trunbull, sorry, Turnbull

Trump will 'respect' deal made with 'Trunbull'

Following a day of embarrassing revelations about US President Donald Trump's phone conversation with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the White House has said it will honour the refugee deal. 

President Donald Trump speaks during the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday.

McCain calls Hockey as Trump defends 'tough' phone call

President Donald Trump has defended his "tough" approach to speaking with foreign leaders in his first public remarks since details of his tense phone conversation with Australian prime minister Malcolm Turbull became public, even as criticism mounts over his treatment of a stalwart US ally.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have made their views on abortion very clear.

Why Donald Trump's victory is sending some women to their doctors

Since Donald Trump's extraordinary election victory last week, I've seen Americans around me reacted in a range of ways - celebration, street protests, crying on public transport. But one reaction that's less visible have been the quiet, concerned calls to health clinics by some women looking to obtain IUDs.