Chief scientist Alan Finkel says 'clean coal' has to stack up

Chief Scientist Alan Finkel has not been a big fan of coal in the past.
Chief Scientist Alan Finkel has not been a big fan of coal in the past. Rohan Thomson

Australia's chief scientist Alan Finkel, who is conducting the national energy security review for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, has refused to back taxpayer subsidies for high-efficiency, low-emissions coal-fired power stations but says some carbon capture and storage projects were viable.

While the Turnbull government has embraced clean coal technology as a way to ensure energy security over the next few decades, Dr Finkel was less effusive about the super-critical, or high-efficiency, low-emissions (HELE) technology, which has also been spruiked by the coal industry.

"What we need, if we are going to look at coal, is effectively, truly clean coal," Dr Finkel said before a town hall-type meeting in Brisbane on Thursday night. "So these modern technologies, coupled with CCS [carbon capture and storage], can be very effective not only in the interim, but in the long term."

Dr Finkel said "clean coal" projects will have to compete with low-emissions technology, such as wind, solar and hydro, to be part of Australia's future energy mix.

Senior Turnbull government ministers have floated the idea of taxpayer subsidies to help roll-out the next generation of high-efficiency, low-emissions coal-fired power stations in Australia to help provide base-load power once older coal-fired power stations are phased out.

But Dr Finkel would not back taxpayer funds being used to fund new high-efficiency, low-emissions coal projects, which although they emit less carbon than existing coal-fired power stations, are still significantly higher than renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. 

High-efficiency low-emissions coal power stations emit 0.7 tonnes of carbon per megawatt hour, compared to an average 0.86 tonnes per megawatt hour in the electricity grid at the moment.

But the chief scientist did back carbon capture and storage projects where the carbon is collected from a power station and shipped or buried.

"Coal can only compete if they show they are truly low emissions," he said.

Dr Finkel said while the super-critical coal-fired power stations might be the solution to Japan's energy needs – where they are building 45 new power stations to replace the phasing out of nuclear power – Australia was in a different situation. 

"Japan is in a different situation because they are taking nuclear out of the mix. They are in a situation where they are facing demand growth," he said.

"If you have demand growth that needs to be filled and Japan are doing what really India and China are doing. They are investing in ultra super-critical coal. Australia is not seeing demand growth."

Dr Finkel confirmed he had been contacted by the Prime Minister and asked to focus on battery storage and pumped hydro – which the review was already looking at – but not next-generation coal projects.

It comes after the Australian Energy Council, which represents 21 electricity and gas businesses, saying it had no plans to build new coal-fired power plants in Australia.

Dr Finkel refused to answer whether new high-efficiency, low-emissions coal-fired power stations would make it harder for Australia to meet its carbon reduction target of 26 to 28 per cent by 2030.

Carbon capture and storage projects are in their infancy and are yet to be commercially viable.

Dr Finkel said the energy review would be technology neutral when it hands down its report this year.

"We believe that there are a lot of low-emissions technologies and combinations with storage that are the future," he said. "I think that existing coal, and new coal, with CCS, is a very legitimate low emissions technology." 

The Turnbull government stumbled late last year when it ruled out an emissions intensity scheme for the electricity sector only days after announcing a review of its climate policies which is due later this year.

This was despite the EIS being backed by the country's top regulators, the Australian Energy Market Commission and the Australian Energy Market Operator.

The review, undertaken by Dr Finkel and a panel which includes former Origin Energy chief financial officer Karen Moses, released the findings of a secret assessment done by the AEMC and the AEMO into three policies – an emissions intensity scheme, an extended large-scale Renewable Energy Target to 2030 and the regulated closure of fossil-fuelled power stations.