Dad's creates amazing lunch bag art for his shy son

Three years ago, artist and dad, Dominick Cabalo, began drawing on his son's lunch bags to help him make new friends.

In a post to Imgur, Mr Cabalo, of Southern California, described that, while his son, Nicholas, has friends, he's also quite shy. To give him an ice-breaker, Mr Cabalo began illustrating Nicholas' paper lunch bags, covering them with fun superheros like Batman and Wonder Woman.

Now 12 years old and a middle school student, Nicholas still loves his dad's creations. And most importantly, they've helped him develop more confidence.

"He's broken out of his shell because of this," Mr Cabalo writes on Imgur. "And I like to think that I had a hand in helping him do this with these bags - a true labour of love, each lunch bag takes around an hour to complete."

"When you're doing something fun like this while watching TV it goes by pretty quick," Mr Cabalo explains.

Given they're disposable and prone to the odd soggy sandwich or leaky drink, the challenge, Mr Cabalo says, is knowing when to stop.

So far, the talented dad has drawn around 400 bags for his son.

Follow Dominick Cabalo on Instagram@domNX_art for more great lunch bag art creations