Dove Deodorant's #AlternativeFacts Campaign Trolls The Trump Administration

"New Dove antiperspirant boosts your Wi-Fi signal."

02/02/2017 4:16 AM AEDT | Updated 16 hours ago
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It's on. 

When Kellyanne Conway uttered the words “alternative facts” on Chuck Todd’s morning show a little over a week ago, she received instant backlash.

The Twitterverse quickly seized the opportunity to mock Conway’s terrible choice of words and a few brands also decided to have a little fun with her falsehoods.

Dove’s UK branch subtly trolled Conway with a two-page newspaper ad that contained “alternative facts” about Dove’s antiperspirant. The ad, which was created by Ogilvy London and placed in select UK papers, jokes that the new deodorant “increases your IQ by 40 points,” “rhymes with orange,” and “boosts your Wi-FI signal,” among other amazing falsehoods facts. 

Here is the first page of the ad: 

The second page of the ad reads, “New Dove antiperspirant cares for your skin like never before #Real Facts.” 

Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide chief creative officer and co-chairman Tham Khai Meng spoke to Campaign U.S. about the ad.

“Brands live in a world of accountability. And that’s a good thing,” Tham said, adding that there was a bit of hesitation to go through with the ad at first. “To see one respond so swiftly with an #AlternativeFact moment, done gently and with a smile, reminds us of that.”

The Huffington Post reached out to Dove and Unilever and will update this post accordingly. 

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