New Left Review I/74, July-August 1972

Claud Cockburn

Appeasement’s Epigones

A declaration of intent by Franklin Reid Gannon, (author of The British Press and Germany 1936–1939) [1] F. R. Gannon, The British Press and Germany 1936–1939, oup, £3·25 reads, ‘It is one of the great ironies of the period, and perhaps the major conclusion of this study, that appeasement was in fact the product of a crisis of the liberal conscience. So much print—and newsprint—has been devoted to painting the distinction between the far-sighted Liberals of the Left who understood the real nature of the Nazi menace from the very beginning, and the reactionary conservatives of the Right who welcomed Hitler not only for himself alone but also for the check he promised to deliver to Bolshevist Russia. This view, though previously assaulted, has not yet been laid low; it is hoped that this study will contribute to its timely demise.’

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Claude Cockburn, ‘Appeasement's Epigones’, NLR I/74: £3

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